China's Yengzi River is dry. Karma-pay-back?

Bhaktajan II

Hare Krishna Yogi
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The China's Yengzi River is the equvilent of the Nile, Amazon, Ganges, Missisippi, et al major waterways is dried up ---just a couple of years after planning to & quasi-succeeded in damming its water flow.
Wealth for the land lords and the rest can move aside, apparently, that is the status quo of societies all.
Is this a case of mass-karma payback slapping back in an overtly obvious display of "ironic duality of actions reeping un-expected 're-actions' at a moment of presumed apex-states-of-societal-excellence"?
Man power reaps horsepower with deminishing returns?
Anit-Toaist biological economics in our faces?

May 8, 1998:
FENGJIE, China (CNN) -- This small city, an ancient cultural center along the Yangtze River in central China, is doomed to disappear as the world's largest dam takes shape. The controversial Three Gorges dam project also calls for the forced relocation of more than 1 million people by the 2009 completion date.
But will such large-scale disruptions be outweighed by the presumed benefits of the multi-billion dollar dam? Opinion is divided.
Damming the Yangtze -- the world's third-longest river -- will create a reservoir 365 miles (600 km) long.

On the plus side, say supporters, the dam will:
  • Be capable of pumping out 18,200 megawatts of electricity from 26 generators, each equal to a medium-sized nuclear reactor. This cleaner hydroelectric power would offset the burning of polluting coal.
  • Prevent catastrophic flooding.
  • Boost China's economy through increased international shipping. Big ships could navigate the Yangtze all the way to Chongqing.
But the dam's opponents are not convinced. The project is one China cannot afford but will reap huge profits for some companies, says anti-dam activist


Jan 2008:
Yangtze River water level at 140-year low


May 12, 2011:
Yangtze River water level at 143-year low
conspiracy theory time!

based on what i've been able to learn regarding HAARP i would suggest that what is happening in China is not random in the least bit, rather, it represents an aggressive action by the United States and Russia to destabilize China.

