Rev. Robert H. Schuller voted off Crystal Cathedral board

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Rev. Robert H. Schuller voted off Crystal Cathedral board -

The Rev. Robert H. Schuller has been ousted from the board of directors at the Crystal Cathedral, the Orange County megachurch he built into a televised empire after getting his start preaching from the roof of a drive-in theater, his son said Sunday night.

Schuller, 84, stepped down from the pulpit five years ago and had long before ceded day-to-day control of the Garden Grove ministry, largely to his children and other relatives.

There were conflicting reports about what had taken place between Schuller and the board members. But Robert Anthony Schuller said his father was ousted because he had proposed adding new members to the board, which he described as blighted by conflicts of interest.

"My father wanted to add board members, and they didn't want that because they would lose control," said the younger Schuller, who was himself voted off the board three years ago. "They kicked him off. ... I feel bad for him because he's had to watch his life's work go down the toilet the last three years."

The elder Schuller, who had been a non-voting but influential member of the board with the title chairman emeritus, could not be reached for comment.

Rev. Robert H. Schuller voted off Crystal Cathedral board -"My father wanted to add board members, and they didn't want that because they would lose control," said the younger Schuller, who was himself voted off the board three years ago. "They kicked him off. ... I feel bad for him because he's had to watch his life's work go down the toilet the last three years."

I have no sympathy for Schuller whatsoever. The guy's been deluding people and ripping off the Zoroastrian heritage all his life.