Were the Wicker Man films Hollywood baloney?


Free Christian
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Hi guys, i've always had a soft spot for pagans ever since they burnt Edward Woodward in a wicker man, he thoroughly deserved it for his bad acting and for having too many 'w's' in his name.
I've often wondered what pagans think of the film (and the Nicholas Cage remake), were they fairly accurate portrayals of paganism or what?
Most of the Pagans I know liked the original Wicker Man movie but hated the Nicholas Cage remake. And the usual comment that is made about the movie is that "I loved the movie -- and would love to live on that island if it weren't for the human sacrifice!"

I don't know of any Pagan religions practiced today that include human sacrifice. There are a few that include animal sacrifice (mostly those based on African origins, such as Santeria) but the majority of modern Pagans do not include animal sacrifice in their practice except perhaps in the form of a sacred shared meal -- like a turkey dinner that is blessed and shared communally.
i thought the original was jolly good fun - it always gives me the willies when they come up over the wall in that mask, plus of course the folk singing. not a thing wrong with it imo, i think e-war woo-woo's performance is also perfectly judged. i thought the remake was a total waste of time and missed most of the good stuff.

on a serious note, it is the wicker man bit that tells you a little bit about the sort of idolatry that i as a jew would have to oppose - the rest of it is unexceptional.


Ritualistic killing was once practiced by pagans. (This subject is now close to me since I wrote a blog/post about killing pigeons)
Philosophically speaking of course, once you realized that there is NO DEATH..."killing" gives a new meaning to all...killing is not good, nor it is to be done wholesale BUT...would you have killed Hitler, somehow given a chance and killing versus non-action would be karmically equal? I don't think so....

"Do as you will, this is the law, but harm none...."
Ritualistic killing was once practiced by pagans. (This subject is now close to me since I wrote a blog/post about killing pigeons)
Philosophically speaking of course, once you realized that there is NO DEATH..."killing" gives a new meaning to all...killing is not good, nor it is to be done wholesale BUT...would you have killed Hitler, somehow given a chance and killing versus non-action would be karmically equal? I don't think so....

"Do as you will, this is the law, but harm none...."

Ritual and religiously prescribed killing (of humans and animals) is also part of Jewish and Christian history. It's all in the Bible.
yes, of course but most of the rituals/practices of the Abrahamic faiths (Christian or Jewish came from pagan roots.....) and this is a known fact only ultra orthodox religious people with blinders on would argue this...
Ritual and religiously prescribed killing (of humans and animals) is also part of Jewish and Christian history. It's all in the Bible.
Nicholas Cage does everything from that movie to the Left Behind movie, he can't be considered credible.