Vatican: "Crimes against humanity"?

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
ICC asked to investigate Vatican on abuse - Religious News ArcaMax Publishing

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (UPI) -- Victims of clergy sex abuse urged International Criminal Court prosecutors in The Hague, Netherlands, to investigate the Vatican for crimes against humanity.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, through their attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights, filed a complaint Tuesday, charging that Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials aided and systematically covered up the rape and sexual assault of children by priests worldwide, the center said in a release.

Submitted with the complaint were more than 20,000 pages of supporting documentation such as reports, policy papers and evidence of crimes Catholic clergy committed against children and vulnerable adults, the center said.

"Crimes against tens of thousands of victims, most of them children, are being covered up by officials at the highest level of the Vatican," CCR senior staff attorney Pam Spees said. "These men operate with impunity and without accountability."

The pope and other Vatican officials named in the complaint "are responsible for rape and other sexual violence and for the physical and psychological torture of victims around the world both through command responsibility and through direct cover up of crimes," Spees said. "They should be brought to trial like any other officials guilty of crimes against humanity."

"SNAP wants to prevent even one more child from being raped or sexually assaulted by a priest and we hope that victims around the world will know today that they are not alone and that it is safe to speak up and report their abuse," SNAP President Barbara Blaine said.

Besides Pope Benedict, the filing asks the court to prosecute Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's secretary of state; Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the immediate past-secretary of state now the College of Cardinals dean; and Cardinal William Levada, leader of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office that receives cases of clergy sexual abuse, The New York times reported.

International law experts told the Times they thought ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo may be reluctant to accept the matter because of jurisdictional issues and political and religious concerns.

Sexual abuse of minors by priests was sufficiently heinous and numerous to meet the court's standards, the experts said, leaving the question of whether the facts presented indicate Vatican officials perpetuated the abuse.
It had to come to a head one day. The fact is that it is more than a public embarrasmment of the church it is an outrage. Yes they believe in confession and absolving sins, and in order to take that high road they have to accept that the pedophiles in their organization have changed their ways. If they were to move them to clerical jobs in the basement of the vatican away from temptation it would be tantamount to saying that their system does not work and has not worked....a cross they can't seem to bear or move on from.

But reality is, that if you were to lay down the traits and characteristics of an international pedophile ring proteciting its own....the differences would be few.

My prayers are that the Catholic Church wakes up, realizes the errors of its ways, and finds a solution for this before it ruins them completey.

It also appears that the appointment of Ratzinger and his involvement was the final straw.

The Catholic church thinks it is God's representative here on earth, but as we can now clearly see, it is not. They think it gives them special priviledges, but it does not. They think it protects them from doing wrong, but it does not. You mentioned confession and the absolving sins, and the church thinks it has the power to absolve sins but it does not.

They think we should look the other way when a priest does terrible things because he "does it in the name of Christ." And they certainly think such a priest does not have to go to jail. In other words, they think they are above the law.

The church has to come clean, admit everything it has done, and send the guilty parties to jail, but it won't. For this reason it has lost all credability. I had never thought of characterizing the church as an an international pedophile ring, but the time has come for us to do that.

"Power corrupts, and total power corrupts totally." We never thought that such a phrase would ever apply to the church, but it does. The church has shown it has no "power from God" that gives it any special status in the world today.

You said,

"My prayers are that the Catholic Church wakes up, realizes the errors of its ways, and finds a solution for this before it ruins them completey."

--> I'm afraid it can't. It sees itself as too big to fall, like Exxon or the Bank of America.

This brings up the general idea of how some people think their religion has the power to take them off the hook for being responsible for what they do. Muslim extremists think their religions allows them to blow themsleves up and not be held responsible in the afterlife. Catholic priests think they can do terrible things and not be held responsible, and Popes think they can not throw such priests into jail and not be held responsible for it. In this way, there is no difference between Muslim extremists and Catholic priests and Popes.

It is time for people to stop believing in the forgiveness of sin and start believing in the karmic idea that we will be held responsibile for everything we do.
My prayers are that the Catholic Church wakes up, realizes the errors of its ways, and finds a solution for this before it ruins them completey.

Cold-hearted eating of flesh leads to all sorts of "UGRA-KARMA" re-actions.

The act of eating brute beasts and thanking a the guardian Angels for the mechanisms of the consumers good-fortune to possess such flesh-products for the tongue's enjoyment is "COLD-HEARTED".

Just research the
Economic-Vital-records vs Flesh consumption all through-out the 20th century ---to compile the relevent data so as to develop a algorhytym that demonstrates to Input and the resultant Output ---of all the Humans of the earth's 20th century ---starting with Upton Sinclairs' "The Jungle" upto the "Master-Planning of 911".

Again, I repeat the same underlying concominent factor:

Flesh eating (cadaviers & corpes of all sorts of sub-human species) leads to War. It leads to criminal behavior. It leads to un-controllable Lust pursuits. It leads to geological unbalance. It leads to dis-respect for mother nature. It is thee subtle-form of the oedipus syndrome, nay, thee "Oedipus Complex" ---"Complex" now that sounds more like an organised 'International Cartel'.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE CELEBATE . . . while eating flesh!
