Death Men's Land... boiling drainege, coal gas and burning plastic's... bad smell... oil stains... goethe's dark carnival's speed trains and ferris wheels that have been garganteused by the breathing vignettes and wild grass.
i cant find Zuzu, im calling it "Zuzu, zuzuuu, pssssttt..."
deep sorrow and worrying and depressing feeling
as tears fall, i woke up
couldnt find OCB, sweared to maid, got beer, read, translate and wrote this and will submit...
This small paragraph was remxd by Erai, original script by W.Burrough (Icimdeki Kedi, page: 13, 6:45 Press Istanbull, August 1997)
i cant find Zuzu, im calling it "Zuzu, zuzuuu, pssssttt..."
deep sorrow and worrying and depressing feeling
as tears fall, i woke up
couldnt find OCB, sweared to maid, got beer, read, translate and wrote this and will submit...
This small paragraph was remxd by Erai, original script by W.Burrough (Icimdeki Kedi, page: 13, 6:45 Press Istanbull, August 1997)