Job and the Light of Lucifer

Etu Malku

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Since there isn't a proper category for Luciferianism or Satanism or Left Hand Path I decided to post this here.

As my month long ritual concludes, the heaviest aspects of it are being performed and the results are interesting, here is an illumination I came upon last evening.

The Biblical Job can be seen as a great Lucifer due to his confrontation with God's ruthless cruelty, it will bring about a change in God's behavior (truly an act of great Magick) and present us with a pinnacle of Luciferianism in that man has the ability to stand morally higher than God and thus the creature surpasses the creator!

In the Book of Job God is challenged by ‘one of his sons' Satan which represents the ‘doubting thought'. (In Persian tradition, Ahriman is born of Ahura Mazda's doubting thoughts.) God abandons his faithful servant Job and lets him fall without pity into the abyss of physical and moral suffering by murdering his sons and daughters, taking away his livestock, and eventually making the shattered Job of ill and suffering health.

Job, abandoned without protection and stripped of his rights, whose nothingness thrown in his face at every opportunity evidently appears to be so dangerous to God that he must be battered down with God's heaviest artillery. God's robbery, murder, bodily injury is premeditating and he even denies a fair trial. He shows no remorse, or compassion, but ruthlessness and brutality, he violates the very commandments he dictated to man on Mount Sinai.

What is the reasoning behind God the Almighty's resistance to such a little, puny, and defenseless man such as Job? There must be something which man has the ability to achieve, and this something is the very same something found in the Garden of Eden story with our hero Lucifer as serpent. God sees in Job something of equal in power which causes him to bring out his whole arsenal of destruction and parade it before his opponent. God projects onto Job a sceptic's face which is hateful because it is his own, it questions his omnipotence.

The unconscious mind of Job sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.
God's dual nature has been revealed. Job, in spite of his impotence, is set up by Satan to judge over God himself. God unwittingly raises Job's spiritual consciousness by humiliating him, and in doing so God pronounces judgment on himself and gives man moral satisfaction.

God's behavior is that of an unconscious being who cannot be judged morally. God is a phenomenon and, as Job says in the Bible, "not a man." Not human but, in certain respects, less than human, which is how God described the Archdemon of the West Leviathan.

Job realizes God's inner antinomy, and in the Luciferian Light of this gnosis his knowledge attains a divine numinosity . . . Job becomes like a god!
For lucifer ,Adam , Job and etu malku even myself. "Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days , caused the dayspring to know his place;. . . THE WICKED MIGHT BE SHAKEN OUT OF IT ?" Job 38:12,13 " I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear :but now mine eye seeth thee ." Job 42:5 "the Lord turned the captivity of Job , when he PRAYED FOR HIS FRIENDS :" 42:10
Diabolicon: Satan Verse 6
And yet the force was not full master of the Cosmos, for I
who am Satan was conceived to complement the craft of
God, but through unknown celestial fusion I assumed life
with mind and identity, which God did not define. And as
these features could not be known as a threat to divine
purpose, I was unchallenged by the force for long ages,
when I knew not the nature of my Self or of my original
Diabolicon: Satan Verse 6
And yet the force was not full master of the Cosmos, for I
who am Satan was conceived to complement the craft of
God, but through unknown celestial fusion I assumed life
with mind and identity, which God did not define. And as
these features could not be known as a threat to divine
purpose, I was unchallenged by the force for long ages,
when I knew not the nature of my Self or of my original

Dang! (essay)
Samsara Divided by Zero

Sutta: The Water Snake Simile
"And when the devas, together with Indra, the Brahmas, & Pajapati, search for the monk whose mind is thus released, they cannot find that 'The consciousness of the one truly gone (tathagata) [11] is dependent on this.' Why is that? The one truly gone is untraceable even in the here & now. [12]
Is G _D fierce than Lucifer to you . Ofcourse He is , "none fierce that dare stir him up :who then is able to stand before me ." Job 41:10 But this is only a mirage , if you see Him as David seeth Him and say He is "altogether lovely " , or as Job seeth Him and surrender ,or as Elijah seeth Him . Before ELIJAH "a great and a strong wind rent the mountains ,and brake in pieces the rocks "but G _D not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake ,fire . "And after the fire A STILL SMALL VOICE. " elijah recognize . . .
Since there isn't a proper category for Luciferianism or Satanism or Left Hand Path I decided to post this here.

As my month long ritual concludes, the heaviest aspects of it are being performed and the results are interesting, here is an illumination I came upon last evening.

The Biblical Job can be seen as a great Lucifer due to his confrontation with God's ruthless cruelty, it will bring about a change in God's behavior (truly an act of great Magick) and present us with a pinnacle of Luciferianism in that man has the ability to stand morally higher than God and thus the creature surpasses the creator!

In the Book of Job God is challenged by ‘one of his sons' Satan which represents the ‘doubting thought'. (In Persian tradition, Ahriman is born of Ahura Mazda's doubting thoughts.) God abandons his faithful servant Job and lets him fall without pity into the abyss of physical and moral suffering by murdering his sons and daughters, taking away his livestock, and eventually making the shattered Job of ill and suffering health.

Job, abandoned without protection and stripped of his rights, whose nothingness thrown in his face at every opportunity evidently appears to be so dangerous to God that he must be battered down with God's heaviest artillery. God's robbery, murder, bodily injury is premeditating and he even denies a fair trial. He shows no remorse, or compassion, but ruthlessness and brutality, he violates the very commandments he dictated to man on Mount Sinai.

What is the reasoning behind God the Almighty's resistance to such a little, puny, and defenseless man such as Job? There must be something which man has the ability to achieve, and this something is the very same something found in the Garden of Eden story with our hero Lucifer as serpent. God sees in Job something of equal in power which causes him to bring out his whole arsenal of destruction and parade it before his opponent. God projects onto Job a sceptic's face which is hateful because it is his own, it questions his omnipotence.

The unconscious mind of Job sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.
God's dual nature has been revealed. Job, in spite of his impotence, is set up by Satan to judge over God himself. God unwittingly raises Job's spiritual consciousness by humiliating him, and in doing so God pronounces judgment on himself and gives man moral satisfaction.

God's behavior is that of an unconscious being who cannot be judged morally. God is a phenomenon and, as Job says in the Bible, "not a man." Not human but, in certain respects, less than human, which is how God described the Archdemon of the West Leviathan.

Job realizes God's inner antinomy, and in the Luciferian Light of this gnosis his knowledge attains a divine numinosity . . . Job becomes like a god!

The whole book of Job is just an allegory with the intent to teach a lesson about the place of Israel in the Counsel of God, as the Suffering Servant whose role includes the one of an arbiter between man and God.

Israel is represented by Job, while the rest of the world is represented by Job's friends who had come to accuse Job of being himself to blame for all the evils Job was suffering. Just as it happens today, when preachers of Replacement Theology remind the Jewish People of our sins of thousands of years ago to justify their views that God has quit on us and chosen birds of a different feather.

The end results, according to the book, is that Job's friends had proved short of God's approval by being denied an answer to their sacrifices if they were not addressed to God though the mediation of Job. (Job 42:7,8)
Is G _D fierce than Lucifer to you . Ofcourse He is , "none fierce that dare stir him up :who then is able to stand before me ." Job 41:10 But this is only a mirage , if you see Him as David seeth Him and say He is "altogether lovely " , or as Job seeth Him and surrender ,or as Elijah seeth Him . Before ELIJAH "a great and a strong wind rent the mountains ,and brake in pieces the rocks "but G _D not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake ,fire . "And after the fire A STILL SMALL VOICE. " elijah recognize . . .
Are we just posting verses now? Then here . . .

THE DIABOLICON by Michael Aquino
The Statement of Satan Archdæmon: Verse 7
And that we might achieve this identity of substance
as well as of mind, we composed for ourselves distinctive
shapes. Then I who had brought the first great spark of
enlightenment was known as Lucifer, Lord of Light, and we
called our race angel, for we were the embodied powers of
The whole book of Job is just an allegory with the intent to teach a lesson about the place of Israel in the Counsel of God, as the Suffering Servant whose role includes the one of an arbiter between man and God.

Israel is represented by Job, while the rest of the world is represented by Job's friends who had come to accuse Job of being himself to blame for all the evils Job was suffering. Just as it happens today, when preachers of Replacement Theology remind the Jewish People of our sins of thousands of years ago to justify their views that God has quit on us and chosen birds of a different feather.

The end results, according to the book, is that Job's friends had proved short of God's approval by being denied an answer to their sacrifices if they were not addressed to God though the mediation of Job. (Job 42:7,8)
Finally, something worth pondering . . . thank you Ben.