something to share with vajradhara...

Sam Albion

Reaction score
in hell, Liverpool, UK
..I'm ... trying to enable another to access resources that will enable them to partially transition... even though I still think, personally, it's not something I agree with. Nobody in my office believes this person should have what they want, either, but... I do. I'm helping them because, it's not about "me". I wanted to share that with you, due to a thread we tussled in a long time ago... funny how the world turns, isn't it?
..I'm ... trying to enable another to access resources that will enable them to partially transition... even though I still think, personally, it's not something I agree with. Nobody in my office believes this person should have what they want, either, but... I do. I'm helping them because, it's not about "me". I wanted to share that with you, due to a thread we tussled in a long time ago... funny how the world turns, isn't it?

Namaste Sam,

thank you for the post and thank you for helping your friend despite your personal misgivings on it, your help will probably make some of the greatest impact in your friend's life.

it is rather funny how things work out, i agree. :)

