Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew


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What is the scholarly consensus on Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew?

James Tabor writes:

Howard argues that Shem Tov did not create the Hebrew Matthew himself (e.g., translating from the Latin) but had an existing Hebrew text to work with-as he sometimes comments on its scribal errors and strange readings. Matt 11:11 is a good case in point, as the Greek, Latin, and all other Matthean witnesses contain the qualifying phrase: "nonetheless, the least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he." Shem Tov comments on the unique Hebrew version he is following, and how its lack of such a phrase implies that John is greater than Jesus. If he were translating from the Latin, Greek, or any other version such a comment would be meaningless.

Does any other scholar support a similar view? Did the Jewish community have a copy of the Hebrew Matthew?
Gah! I misspelled the title of the thread. For any grammarians out there, my apologies.
In other words, Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew could be more reliable than the Greek Matthew. Very significant (if it is true).

I have no clue why scholars would sleep on that.