Woman - the sikh perspective

"After three days Guru Nanak appeared at the same spot from where he had disappeared.". . . . jeeez, more idiocy, more make-believe. You don't get it, and I don't think you ever will. You know nothing about the LHP or Luciferianism. Pythagoras has nothing to do with Luciferianism as a whole.
Your Sikh mind-games are useless in real life, they are but another religious maze of BS.

I am not a Sikh either, so I am not sure why you are directing this at me, all I say is Nanak has realized far deeper truths than these men.

LHP and Luciferianism are your preferred maze of BS, what is the difference? Absolute oneness, surrender of all which is false, this is all that will work, that will deliver you to truth. It is almost as few letters as the very title of your stream of philosophy.

Stop identifying your ego with others theories, start inquiring into your own being, for that is where truth is found. You are not different to any religious person, you just think you are.

Truth is not found in a book, whatsoever is said about it is false, because it cannot be said.

How much do you want to know it?

You have to be willing to risk your very life for it, else your pursuit is pointless.
Also, I have experienced that very disappearance, for 6 hours I was out of time and space... I suggest you do not judge things simply because you don't understand them. It happens because your body vibrates so quickly that you are no longer limited to this plain, now you experience what is meant by universal unconsciousness, nothing here can be experienced for there is literally nothing.

It is the same as the many miracles for instance in the Bible, these are not really miracles, it is just that those talking about it don't understand what has happened - they are simply amazed by what they have seen. In truth, there are many Occult schools throughout the world teaching these very techniques, but if you don't understand even the common magician will amaze you, what of the one who understands what has been called divine physics? Denial of these things do not make them any less true.

Still, these are not the goal, the goal is deeper understanding.
Also, I have experienced that very disappearance, for 6 hours I was out of time and space... I suggest you do not judge things simply because you don't understand them. It happens because your body vibrates so quickly that you are no longer limited to this plain, now you experience what is meant by universal unconsciousness, nothing here can be experienced for there is literally nothing.
;) You did, did you . . . I rest my case.
It is either that, or for 6 hours I was stood in a public place, utterly unmoving and without anyone saying anything about it...

Either way, it has passed with only 2-3 seconds of cognition.

This was my Samadhi.
It is either that, or for 6 hours I was stood in a public place, utterly unmoving and without anyone saying anything about it...

Either way, it has passed with only 2-3 seconds of cognition.

This was my Samadhi.
Call it what you will, but that my friend is trance induction, and it happens to all of us. Whether you place some spiritual significance to it is your prerogative
Call it what you will, but that my friend is trance induction, and it happens to all of us. Whether you place some spiritual significance to it is your prerogative

Other than the experience of oneness and light, the heights of bliss which were felt, you might have a point I suppose. For me, it is perfectly clear what happened based on others experiences of the same, you do not have to believe it, it is plain that you are quite closed minded.

For weeks after, still there was so much energy within me, such an overflowing love, a sense of others emotions and even thoughts, but of course you can write it off easily because it is not your experience.

Yet it is this experience which even Luciferianism points to.

That is the experience of the Higher Self, unlimited vastness of being, you can call it Godliness or whatsoever else, it is the same experience all who know have had.

It is the realization you are a god, nay, one with God for you know there is nothing else.

You have merged with the totality.
Other than the experience of oneness and light, the heights of bliss which were felt, you might have a point I suppose. For me, it is perfectly clear what happened based on others experiences of the same, you do not have to believe it, it is plain that you are quite closed minded.

For weeks after, still there was so much energy within me, such an overflowing love, a sense of others emotions and even thoughts, but of course you can write it off easily because it is not your experience.

Yet it is this experience which even Luciferianism points to.

Trance induction can lead to ecstasy. Now, I'm not saying you didn't experience those things, because I applaud everyone's paradigm shifts and encourage individual experiences, but realize that these things are 'yours' and yours alone, they are not universal principles that we can all tap into . . . or at least they shouldn't be.

The particular technique that an individual uses to induce ecstasy is usually one that is associated with that individual's particular religious and cultural traditions. As a result, an ecstatic experience is usually interpreted within the context of a particular individual's religious and cultural traditions. These interpretations often include statements about contact with supernatural or spiritual beings, about receiving new information as a revelation, also religion-related explanations of subsequent change of values, attitudes and behavior (e.g. in case of religious conversion).
Trance induction can lead to ecstasy. Now, I'm not saying you didn't experience those things, because I applaud everyone's paradigm shifts and encourage individual experiences, but realize that these things are 'yours' and yours alone, they are not universal principles that we can all tap into . . . or at least they shouldn't be.

The particular technique that an individual uses to induce ecstasy is usually one that is associated with that individual's particular religious and cultural traditions. As a result, an ecstatic experience is usually interpreted within the context of a particular individual's religious and cultural traditions. These interpretations often include statements about contact with supernatural or spiritual beings, about receiving new information as a revelation, also religion-related explanations of subsequent change of values, attitudes and behavior (e.g. in case of religious conversion).

Your words are utterly irrelevant for the simple fact that I had no religious beliefs, I had no cultural exposure to that sort of event, I didn't have the faintest idea that such a thing can happen. I simply went deeply into a device from Buddha, I simply contemplated an extrapolation of the Middle Way and was lost in it. I gave myself up seeing it too is some type of extreme, and only THEN did it happen. Yet it was not through belief or expectation, I was utterly blind to what might occur, in fact I think this is why it was so easy for me, I had no concept of it at all I simply dove in.

Now I have come into trouble, for now I expect this event to happen again, I seek it and settle for nothing less, and nothing happens. Yet still I remain illuminated, still there are glimmerings of light all around - especially in dark places it is noticeable. I cannot deny the facts, yet still to some extent mind desires in the direction for which I have already arrived.

I know it is not imagined simply because mind itself doesn't believe what happened, it is mind which forms all imaginings, but I recall what happened and minds protests stop - it cannot dispute the truth. It is only truth which cannot fall upon honest inquiry.
That same device is what I go on repeating, that all opposites must be dropped, all concepts about who you are and what the world is, all notions of inner and outer, subject and object, everything much be dropped.

Truth is that which remains, when nothingness is found, when mind is utterly purified, then a miracle: everything becomes your very subjectivity. This is not a theory for me, I am describing my experience. Now you encounter people, and their thoughts you can watch, their feelings and insecurity are there available to you, their existence happens within you.

This is the goal, this is interdependence and the removal of the delusions of separateness. I only wish to share this, for nothing in life compares. I do not want anyone to die not having experienced it, for it is the very purpose of life, to understand its own essence.
Hi Brethren,

Man must be born of water and of spirit before he can perceive God, our spiritual Father.

Water represents morality and that is why to get forgiveness of sins, people are asked to take bath in the Ganges. Water also represents Adam and when you become the son of Adam, then you are born of water - PAANI PITTAH.

Woman represents God in that Blood comes from woman for the procreation. Woman is the counterpart of God.

This Planet earth is for the habitation of the sons of Man and that is why men fight the wars and not the women. Women seek peace and women have no right to occupy land as they are spiritual.

That is why woman were considered as Chattel that are removable structures. In the wars, women is the bounty for the warriors and they establish themselves in new homes. Even in marriage it happens so. That is why women were not allowed to vote in politics as politics is a tribal affair.