"After three days Guru Nanak appeared at the same spot from where he had disappeared.". . . . jeeez, more idiocy, more make-believe. You don't get it, and I don't think you ever will. You know nothing about the LHP or Luciferianism. Pythagoras has nothing to do with Luciferianism as a whole.
Your Sikh mind-games are useless in real life, they are but another religious maze of BS.
I am not a Sikh either, so I am not sure why you are directing this at me, all I say is Nanak has realized far deeper truths than these men.
LHP and Luciferianism are your preferred maze of BS, what is the difference? Absolute oneness, surrender of all which is false, this is all that will work, that will deliver you to truth. It is almost as few letters as the very title of your stream of philosophy.
Stop identifying your ego with others theories, start inquiring into your own being, for that is where truth is found. You are not different to any religious person, you just think you are.
Truth is not found in a book, whatsoever is said about it is false, because it cannot be said.
How much do you want to know it?
You have to be willing to risk your very life for it, else your pursuit is pointless.