Religion talk and lbm talk

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Susma Rio Sep

Well-Known Member
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As I mentioned in my thread on "A or the true religion", I wanted to start a new thread on religion talk and lbm talk, lbm standing for loose bowel movement; my intention is to explore the differences between speech in religion and speech in the physiological and medical matter of loose bowel movement.

I did initiate such a thread called "Religion talk and lbm talk", and saw my thread post #1 come out on the computer monitor. Sad to say I did not save to a file that appearance of the first post.

The following day I checked to see whether any posters had reacted to my thread, and I could not find anymore this new thread; I did a search of the thread, Religion talk and lbm talk, and still no such thread appear; but there is a reference to the post in that thread on "A or the true religion", having the key words: religion, talk, lbm located in its text.

I forgot to say that I started that thread on religion talk and lbm talk in that section on comparative religion. Is that thread moderated by Ben or Ben also.

My question here is whether that thread was purposely deleted, or whether its disappearance is due to some computer and internet glitch.

Now I will proceed to that section on comparative religion and see whether there is any kind of notice of a thread being deleted for reasons thought by moderator(s) justifying its non-acceptability on the basis of rules and regulations and policies of this message board.

I am saving this post prior to sending it for my record, just in case this post is also inhibited or deleted after its appearance; then at least I will have a proof for myself that I did write this post. And if this post appears after posting, I will also save it in a file for my own proof that it did come out in the internet cosmos.

Paging Brian: Know of any such deletion of the thread on "Religion talk and lbm talk"? No, I have not received any private message informing me of the deletion and why. I have always thought that a private message or some notice is routine in the event that a thread or a post is not acceptable for publication or continued inclusion in the message board.

Susma Rio Sep aka Pachomius2000
Hi Susma -

There's no record of anything having been deleted - I've checked the board statistics, and the last time anything was removed from the public boards was on the 16th, when someone posted an advert and Bruce moved it.

I can only therefore suggest that the post was never sent - if you shut down the browser windows before you get the "Post sent" message, then that can kill the post from being sent to the forum database.

At the moment, that's about all I can suggest happened.
Stealth or chance agents

I said:
Hi Susma -

There's no record of anything having been deleted - I've checked the board statistics, and the last time anything was removed from the public boards was on the 16th, when someone posted an advert and Bruce moved it.

I can only therefore suggest that the post was never sent - if you shut down the browser windows before you get the "Post sent" message, then that can kill the post from being sent to the forum database.

At the moment, that's about all I can suggest happened.
This could be an instance of paranoia and/or vanity, self-adulation on my part, but I am sure the post really appeared with all the garnish of this message board.

For it could not have appeared on my screen thus, if it were not already transmitted to the publishing 'office' of CR discussion board, examined, approved, and remitted to the internet audience to be accessible to anyone linked to the internet cosmos.

My habit is to write a post as my heart and mind inspire, read it for serious erors of substance and form, make necessary corrections, send it with a click of the mouse button, wait for it to appear again on my computer monitor screen with all the concomitant garnish of the message board, read it again (I practically never do any corrective editing after this point of its publication in the internet cosmos), assure myself of my satisfaction, and proceed to some other chores with the computer whether still in the internet world or for some errands of personal or office life.

This is not the first time this occurrence has happened to me, that a post disappeared from this board after I have seen it with my physical sight already published.

The cause could be I admit a computer or internet glitch, or a personal factor of mistake or mis-perception, or some human agent inside CR discussion forum or outside. Some kind of sabotage hacker, pursuing his own agenda?

This might seem ridiculous, but that as I know the owner and over-all administrator of this message board, Brian Turner, to be seriously attached to the integrity of his project, it might be to his interest to install some kind of more subtle internal security device to monitor and guard his message board.

Thanks, Brian, for this message board, just the same. And we all here exchanging ideas appreciate your goodness and derive a lot of enlightenment and fun from this board.

I will proceed to express my thoughts here in the present message board section, namely, about the thread topic on religion talk and lbm talk; you be the one to assign the thread to the proper section as your discretion determines.

Again, thanks, Brian, for this message board.
Pachomius2000 aka Susma Rio Sep

Excess marketing talk

Only humans talk about religion and lbm (loose bowel movement).

Anyway, we don't know if our animal brethren even the most intelligent talk about religion and lbm, and we can't talk with them about these two subjects or at least either one of them. So we can just proceed to limit the discussion to ourselves, and to not involve our animal brethren in any manner with religion talk and lbm talk.

However, every important for an objective assessment of religion talk and lbm talk, is that our animal brethren do exhibit all the signs of lbm just as we humans do; but animals as far as I know do not exhibit any signs of religion.

So we can state for a certainty that the phenomenon of lbm is inherent in biological entities possessed of an interconnected digestive and elminative systems; this we know from observation, of ourselves and of our animal brethren like dogs, cats, and zoo workers will tell us also among apes.

Now, consider this personal consideration of mine, that in the world of talk among humans there is a super abundance of religion talk and very little about lbm, since the dawn of human speech. And religion talk is still going on and on and on, without any end in sight.

Nowadays no one talks anymore who should be listened to about slavery except as talk of a topic in history. But everyone still talks about religion, that is anyone who manifests any worth meriting him at least a curious attention from fellow thinking humans.

But that is another topic, whether religion talk should be given any serious attention at all; for there are a good number of talks nowadays that thinking people do not give any time and trouble to except as -– at the risk of being repetitious, historical investigations: for example, geocentrism or heliocentrism or the uterus as the seat of emotions as in getting hysterical.*

Coming back to religion talk and lbm talk, we notice that there is very little talk or nothing at all about lbm, except in websites or topics dealing with medical conditions, but there is a lot, and I will describe it as super abundance, of talk on or about religion.

If you read the print media regularly, you will notice that there is a lot of mention about religion but practically nothing about lbm, except by drug companies promoting their own efficacious remedies for lbm.

What shall I say about the lbm talk engaged in by drug companies and religion talk engaged by the big number of people who do engage in it?

I have this insight, that just as drug companies talk about lbm in order to enhance the marketing of their own lbm cures or reliefs, people talk about religion in order to advance their own religion or religious attachments.

Yes, I notice that drug companies are not marketing lbm but its solutions or re-solutions, while people talking about religion are advancing their kind of religion; but there are also a smaller number in fact advocating in a way cures to religion, trying to convince people to rid themselves of religion as though religion is some unnecessary and burdensome if not harmful incidental of modern living.

Aside from some slippery distinctions, I guess we can say that there is for the present, one very conspicuous common feature of religion talk and lbm talk, namely, both talks involve marketing or advancement or advocacy agenda.

And the difference between them? There are a lot more peoples, very much more, engaged in religion marketing than in lbm connnected marketing.

What do you guys say?

Susma Rio Sep aka Pachomius2000

*Ancient Greek thinkers ascribe to the uterus the cause of hysteria, so only women I guess are to them subjects of hysteria, not men who are supposed to be dispensed from hysteria for being essentially rational beings...?

There are many aspects to the subject of religion talk and lbm talk.

In my first post to that missing original thread of the same title I started on the manner of religion talk as distinct from lbm talk. In this present re-introduction of the thread I have already launched into the idea of marketing as a very conspicuous component in both talks.

Of course in lbm talk the marketed item is not lbm but remedies to lbm, while in religion talk the marketed item is religion itself, and in the concrete the one doing the talking, advancing or promoting the religion.

Marketing is an activity whereby a human persuades another to shell out money for some item, he can manage to convince the other to be good for the latter. Money here can stand for anything and everything that money can buy.

Let's see now, in lbm talk drug companies push their chemcial concoctions as good for people suffering from lbm woes, in religion talk people doing the talking are eloquent that their religion is good for suffering mankind. In both instances the people doing the talking get better off at the expense of the people doing the listening.

Admittedly this aspect of religion talk and lbm talk is not the only consideration for both religious people and drug manufacturers to talk about their respective items of advocacy. But it is conspicuous, so that even though you are dumb but can still see, and you look long enough, you will come to the conclusion that preachers and medicine men both reap financial rewards from their respective talking.

However it is all morally and legally correct; because humans do experience the need for both remedies to lbm and also for religion; and who is to say that when other humans meet these needs of fellow humans and derive an advantage in the process, something is questionable?

What about myself, do I reward drug companies and preachers financially?

Defiinitely yes. And drug companies and preachers are entitled to their monetary or material returns. I buy lbm remedies as often as need arises in the home, and I contrbute to religion also.

I attend worship in a free Evangelical church; when the collection bags come by I also put in some money, not a lot but enough to make a brother in the streets asking for charity happy. Now that money from me and from others in the congregation go to the support of the pastor and other church workers.

I guess that makes me a Pharisaical hypocrite for talking about it. Amen to that.

Re: Excess marketing talk

Susma Rio Sep said:
Yes, I notice that drug companies are not marketing lbm but its solutions or re-solutions, while people talking about religion are advancing their kind of religion; but there are also a smaller number in fact advocating in a way cures to religion, trying to convince people to rid themselves of religion as though religion is some unnecessary and burdensome if not harmful incidental of modern living.

It happens that I work in such a pharmaceutical company. Do you really think you are interested to read a post about lbm and the drugs I can recommand you from my company ?

If I understand you well, Susma, you are a part from the minority who tries to cure humanity and get rid of religion.

May I ask you, Susma, what are your expectations from the members of this forum ?

*Ancient Greek thinkers ascribe to the uterus the cause of hysteria, so only women I guess are to them subjects of hysteria, not men who are supposed to be dispensed from hysteria for being essentially rational beings...?
I'm a woman, so I suppose this qualifies me for hysteria. But I'm not worried as we sell a lot of drugs for the SNV, too.

I hope one day our R&D dept. will find a cure for arrogance too, but I think this will be too much to expect.
Re: Excess marketing talk

Susma, as you may have noticed, the your posts on religion talk and LBM have indeed been posted - there has been absolutely no removal of the material.

However, as LBM has absolutely nothing in the slightest to do with discussions of religion, spirituality, or any of the related topics covered here, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this thread.

Please understand that we're here to discuss issues of religion, spirituality, and erlated topics. That means that we are not here to preamble about medical conditions completely unrelated to such subjects. Please do erspect the theme of this site.

With that in mind - topic closed.

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