Is the Kingdom of God mentioned in the Old Testament?



I know that a coming kingdom was supposed to be one of the major mysteries that Jesus proclaimed, but was this idea already prevalent in the Hebrew Bible (OT)?
I know that a coming kingdom was supposed to be one of the major mysteries that Jesus proclaimed, but was this idea already prevalent in the Hebrew Bible (OT)?

The Kingdom of God is mentioned in the OT but in terms of being Israel, the Jewish People, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Exo. 19:6) Something akin to a Messianic era which is expected by the Jewish People
when, according to Jeremiah 31:36, Israel will stand as a People before the Lord forever.
I know that a coming kingdom was supposed to be one of the major mysteries that Jesus proclaimed, but was this idea already prevalent in the Hebrew Bible (OT)?

Dear exile,
The kingdom of God, is best described in Daniel 2, when the "stone cut out without hands, crushes the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. A kingdom will then be set up that will never be destroyed. The timing of this kingdom is best described in Daniel, and the mystery was not to be revealed until "the end of time". (Daniel 12:9) It is a time when the great prince "who stands guard over the sons of your people will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation."

This concurs with Joel 2:28-Joel 3:2, whereas Judah and Jerusalem will have the their fortunes restored, and the nations will be gathered and judged.

The detail description can be found in Ze 14, and it will not be a nice day to take a walk. The description of what happens to the nations who gather against Jerusalem is not nice. It matches exactly what the survivors of Hiroshema gave after the first atomic bomb..Ze 14:12," their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth". After this, the nations will decide to it is time to revere God.

Yeshua actually preached the "kingdom of heaven" which is modeled after Jer 31:32, which is the precursor to the "Kingdom of God" established on the earth. The "kingdom of heaven" isn't so much a mystery, as that there is a narrow path leading to it, and it must be sought. The kingdom of God, is when the kingdom of heaven is established on earth. The pieces are in place, Jerusalem has been established, but Judah's fortunes have not been completely restored, nor the nations fully judged. (Joel 3:2)