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What is your view on Karma?
Does it exist or is it just a myth?
How do you think Karma is "displayed" for example is happiness good karma and bad things only happen to bad people?
Namaste Ami,

thank you for the post and welcome to the forum.

Ami said:
What is your view on Karma?

Buddha karma or Santana Dharma karma? they are slightly different.

Does it exist or is it just a myth?

well... since one of the meanings of the word "karma" is "intentional violition" i think that we can safely say that it exists. if a different meaning of the word is intended, i reserve the right to modify my answer :)

How do you think Karma is "displayed"

actions are actions... i'm not sure what you mean...

for example is happiness good karma and bad things only happen to bad people?

ah... you're asking about the result of Karma, the fruit, if you will. which is called Rupa. in any case, it's a different part of the equation, to use a math term.

according to Buddha Dharma, karma doesn't work in the method that you've described. sentient beings produce a mix of both positive and negative karma, only very rarely do we produce neutral karma. it gets a bit complicated, however, the production of neutral, positive or negative karma is predicated on the object of consciousness from which the violitional act derived.

simplistically, we can say that whatever is positive in a persons life was due to their own positive, karmic actions. whatever is negative in a persons life was due to their own negative, karmic actions. the important point to bear in mind is that we are constantly creating fresh karma, so... knowing that, positive or negative is within our control, we can choose to start creating positive karma to change the reaping of the karma that we've already sown and the karma which we are currently sowing will produce positive fruit in the future.

hmm... i thought that we had a discussion on this already.. though i can't seem to find it at the moment.
I believe in these three principles:

The first is the fact that nothing stays still, the entire universe is in constant flux it is a rithing sea of particles of which we are part, they may seem to stand still as we view them but they are moving through time and so are moving and changing.

The second is the fact that we are not ourselves, independent of the rest of the universe, those thoughts, memories and opinions we have that shape our minds, bodies and the world around us are just our responses to our experiences of the universe around us, so we are a product of all of the events that have happened in the universe before this present moment.

The third is the fact that every thought and then action we make contributes to the production of the rest of the universe after this present moment.

So my take on Karma is that the universe creates us and we then help create it and this process is never ending and never rests.

So I try to stay mindful of my responses to events around me and try to give out what I percieve to be positive actions even to a negative event.
This will send out a wave of positivity from me and I hope it will bounce off things and come back to me as positive events.

I can only try to show others by my example and hope they learn to respond in the same way because some choose to respond negative to positive and negative events and this makes my job harder because I am having to absorb their negative event and respond to it in a positive way.

The other problem is the perception of positive and negative.
I might think catching bacterial disease is negative so I will take antibiotics to kill the bacteria and because I am cured I see this as a positive response but the bacteria doesnt see this as positive to it it is a negative event in its road to survival and so it mutates to become immune to that antibiotic.
And so it goes on !

So I can only work this process in a selfish way and allow others to do the same.

We are all stuck in this bubble together and when one person farts we can all smell it, but when one person laughs we can all laugh.

Trouble is some dont want to laugh and some like the smell of fart ! :confused:

I am not a Buddhist and I dont believe in rebirth so I cant comment on their traditional Karma beliefs.
My view of Karma is that it is part of the natural spiritual law of cause and effect. I agree perception of Karma is different for different people and different cultures/religions.

What's interesting is that people tell me, that they are noticing that karma is operating instantly like a boomerang coming straight back. So I have a sense that as the universe is speeding up with the quickening, in this age of enlightenment so is karma.

I have noticed that some 'new age' people use this term karma to avoid responsibility. e.g. a mother leaving her children, responded 'its their karma' I find this selfish and hedonistic because one of the best places for development is within the traditional family. Another case is a man that blames all his bad luck and ill-health onto karma, instead of taking responsibility for co-creation and taking action to heal the self of the root causes of his core issues. So he is probably adding negative karma by not taking action to heal the self.

I received a message earlier in the year from a divine source that said that 'all Karma is good Karma and this will be understood'. I have not received any further revelation about this message.

I was interested in what Jesus said in the Jesus Sutra's about us inheriting the karma of our ancestors, I had not considered this before, but yet I have worked with transgenerational energetic disease, I am also aware that energetic disease etc is carried vibrationally from past lives.

In my domain every negative situation brings a better opportunity and tremendous growth if we are able to embrace it, so to me not all negative situations are karmic, but are actually for our highest good. Often this can help us to get back on track, if we have gone down a dead end.

I treat it like this 85% of everything is free will in the now and 15% is karmic (chosen pre-incarnation). How do I get to these figures? Well 85% of all disease is created by human self and only 15% isn't, so it is logical to me that the other 15% is karmic.

You might like to view this other thread. Jesus Sutra's - Karma.


Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
I have noticed that some 'new age' people use this term karma to avoid responsibility. e.g. a mother leaving her children, responded 'its their karma' I find this selfish and hedonistic because one of the best places for development is within the traditional family. Another case is a man that blames all his bad luck and ill-health onto karma, instead of taking responsibility for co-creation and taking action to heal the self of the root causes of his core issues. So he is probably adding negative karma by not taking action to heal the self.
Very good point - it's always far too easy to avoid taking responsibility for one's own actions.

Sacredstar said:
I received a message earlier in the year from a divine source that said that 'all Karma is good Karma and this will be understood'. I have not received any further revelation about this message.
Sounds like a good message. :)

Have you figured it out yet?

A lot of people have immense difficulty rationalising that pain and death and loss etc are simply natural parts of the cycle of physical existence, as it continues forwards.

Whilst that doesn't mean to say we should not be horrified by calamity on a personal level, it's important to be able to look to the wider stage that the human animal plays upon. Hope that makes sense. :)
Dear Brian

Have you figured it out yet?

Yes long ago but the message, it might be confirming what I already feel is right for me or there might be more to come.

"A lot of people have immense difficulty rationalising that pain and death and loss etc are simply natural parts of the cycle of physical existence, as it continues forwards"

Very true and of course religion has played a big part of this hasn't it ? By not teaching the immortality of the soul and that human life just like nature is a re-creation, not the end of creation. And pain oh yes the greatest teacher, if we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to embrace.

"Whilst that doesn't mean to say we should not be horrified by calamity on a personal level, it's important to be able to look to the wider stage that the human animal plays upon. Hope that makes sense."

I totally agree, I call it learning to walk between the worlds, the greatest teaching for me was the integration of 'having an acceptance of that which is', due to my discovery that desire and attachment is the cause of all pain and suffering.

Detachment was the next step and rising above the immaterial and mundane. I see death as a celebration allowing another soul to be born, and every negative situation bringing us another better opportunity, also a test of our own integration. Out of the darkness comes the light!

Change being the only constant.

Love beyond measure

hey Ami-

obviously bad things do not happen only to destructive or unkind people, though i wish it were so. some of the brightest and most loving people i know have also had lives frequented the most by unrest and trauma, as opposed to peace and good luck.

i'd like to believe on some level that karma exists, that he universe does answer us back for the good or evil we do. but as of yet i don't find the prospect very convincing. i think it's better to take responsibility for ourselves and eachother in this life than rely on cosmic retribution or reward to do it for us in the next.

Why wait for the next life?

Why not hold it in your heart for now.

Can we not see the law of cause and effect working in the universe? Scientifically also proven to be working in our bodies?

We are the universe as above so below.
