Talking of Very Big Things


So it goes ...
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London UK
From Discovery News
"What’s the biggest thing in the universe? That would be a cluster of quasars so large it would take a vehicle traveling at the speed of light 4 billion years to cross."
Read more here
(Sadly this website did not ask 'your correspondent' to address the issue. Read the comments below the article, pointing out the numerous errors contained within it (others were flagged elsewhere as I was looking around), as well as the difficulty in computing astronomical distances.)

Not being a cosmologist/cosmogonist/astrophysicist/astro-whatever ... I find this sort of thing gobsmackingly inspiring, so I plead your indulgence if you find these posts tedious...

Yes it's almost as if there's a giant, disembodied Breath ... just waiting for an exhale. Lo! A Spark! A Singularity, and a Cosmos begins!

What strange results from droplets of moisture, with heat and constant motion. Or was that after the electrics ... I do tend to forget.

Meanwhile, I have it on good authority {as from a little bird, who told me} that the Old Man also INhales, no matter what folks like Bill Clinton must say on tv to protect the ta(i)l[e] ... and that is why, the sooner and better we learn to get along, the easier it is during the next chapter, act or pint of ale, to accept your brother/sister ~ who might otherwise now *not* have your back, as s/he sings a different Song.

So much for, ah, the FluteMeister, but keep your i on the dickybird, yes the dickybird, the dickybird ...

When the inhale is done, the Music stops. Don't ask what's next, for there are no clocks ... and nothing to tell what's next in your experience, or mine ~ so the philosopher who pulls out all the stops and makes a guess is actually far better than the poor theologian who thinks he's blessed, yet forgot ~ his imagination.

God won't do that. I have that much Faith. But I refuse to invent fairy stories when I already know a little bit about this place ... and again, I have it on [birdsong] that the very Angels do inhabit the Cosmic, even Interplanetary Spaces.

Let us see, all of Space is an ENTITY, a veritable MAITRI-X, or MA-TER-ial womb whose Hiranyagarbha shall likely show yet further signs of life, right here and very soon.

But of course, I don't believe in things like Sun-up and Sun-set, so in my little world, I remain *quite immune* to your line of logic, and Reason, and Order and Balance, nor can all your claptrap Perennialism, Seers & Sibylline Sophism with that Chalice ... convince me to *change my tune*.

For you see my friend, this here tower's my PALACE ... and I'd rather sit in it all day long, than come down out of it, meet you on common ground, and talk about Alice, or Beatrix, and her rabbits.

So keep your Peter, and keep your tale; tonight it's actually Marchesini ... cheap bubbly, as I'm out of ale.

Yet I remain ... Andrew
The biggest thing in the universe would have to be water. It is on the Earth and wherever there is life and energy.
Sometimes it seems to me that the biggest thing in the universe is the ego of some of the men and women running around our little blue marble. Hah!

But I suppose the truly biggest thing in the universe would have to be dark energy, which apparently makes up some 70% of the universe. Normal matter (the stuff we know of, people, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.) makes up a mere 4% of the universe.

That is if one believes in this dark energy theory in the first place. Of which I personally still have serious doubts!