Tradition, antitradition and countertradition | RidingTheTiger
The notion of this a "counter-" or "anti-tradition" is something that one might associate, as the author suggests with the end times and many false teachers. But, it creates more than mere false religious teaching, and embodies all of society as a whole. This is an idea that is present in much of Religious thought, from its earlier days.
The idea of a sudden "judgement" or "rectification" also re-appears many times in varying scriptures. According to the Mahabharata :
"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [guna or temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser."
In this context, “tradition” has a meaning which is far removed from mere custom or folklore. Instead, “Tradition” takes on the facets of something which is divine and eternal. In a word, it calls man back to what Schuon called the ”transcendent unity”. Tradition contrasts with modernity, whose sight is limited in scope, and concerned with quantity, not quality. Evola describes the Tradition as embodying that which is “solar,” or “heroic” in nature, while anti-tradition is the direct antithesis of that.
Since Modernity is opposed to Tradition, there are two concepts that can be invoked in the description of modern life: antitradition and countertradition. These may be perceived as the causes and effects of modernity. In The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, René Guénon characterizes the antitradition as a mere negation of Tradition. In other words, the characteristic symptoms of modernity, such as materialism, democracy, and secular humanism are a denial of Tradition, merely in the sense of failing to recognize it; they are a deviation without actually becoming openly hostile. Countertradition, however is a step further along the path of degeneration. It is the satanic inversion of true spirituality, leading to the regime of Antichrist.
The notion of this a "counter-" or "anti-tradition" is something that one might associate, as the author suggests with the end times and many false teachers. But, it creates more than mere false religious teaching, and embodies all of society as a whole. This is an idea that is present in much of Religious thought, from its earlier days.
The idea of a sudden "judgement" or "rectification" also re-appears many times in varying scriptures. According to the Mahabharata :
"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [guna or temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser."