The Wake-up call


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The Wake-up call

By Bobby Neal Winters

The Democratic Party has been given a wake-up call. That is the only way I can see it. Though John Kerry ran a good campaign that gave him a better showing in the electoral college than he had any right to expect, he was beat in the popular vote by George W. Bush, a man who lost votes anytime he tried to speak in a public forum at the same time as Kerry. While it is doubtful Bush is actually the slobbering idiot his enemies portray him as, it is a hard charge to defend him against when he speaks.

The indisputable fact is that the most the Democrats were asking for was someone that was not George W. Bush, but being not Bush was not enough.
The Democratic Party’s main problem might be closely connected to the image it paints of George W. Bush. He simply isn’t as smart as members of the Democratic leadership, and therefore he is viewed with contempt. It doesn’t take much imagination for a voter to think, “If they hold him in contempt, then what do they think of me?”

You are not likely to vote for someone who finds you loathsome and lets you know it.

One can look at the map on election night and notice the core of each side’s base. It was generally conceded that Bush could count on the Solid South and that Kerry could count on New York and California.

The South has been the standard example of backwardness is trotted out for display. “Thank God for Mississippi,” is what they say.

On the other hand, New York and California are self-described as progressive. They consider themselves to be the places the country will, or at least should, emulate. How could you possibly NOT want to be like them? As smart as they say they are, they can’t understand it.

The National Democratic Party has this attitude itself. It is tainted with the yeast of elitism. This is seen most easily with the issue of abortion. Abortion is fed with elitist attitudes. It is argued that children are better of being aborted than being born into poor families. This is the sort of attitude I used to like to try to stain the Republicans with, but it is coming out of my own party.

No matter how thin you slice it, it’s saying that a poor man’s life just ain’t worth living. While the Republicans tend to begrudge the poor every cent they give them, at least they would let them live.

Abortion has been a costly issue for the Democrats. It has lost them the South, rural areas, and a lot of Catholics, but “a woman’s right to choose” is something they won’t give up. One might picture the party as a collective saying, “Well it’s not the sort of thing we want to happen, but it’s not like they are real humans, you know. If you were as smart as we are, then you’d understand.”

The trouble is that elites, by their very nature, are small groups, and the United States is some flavor of democracy. Elites lose in a democracy if they don’t attract allies, and it’s hard to be attractive to those you hold in contempt.

I urge the national Democratic leadership to heed the following and make it their mantra. Even if you are smart, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are right, and even if you are right, that doesn’t mean you should get your way.
We are now in a war with Iraq I believe was unjustified. We have killed tens-of-thousands of people and have made enemies for our children and our grandchildren, we have squandered our good will in the rest of the world, and we have put our nation’s finest in harm’s way.

This is why so many wanted “anybody but Bush.” But it is a balance between the blood of the Iraqi’s and the blood of the unborn. I had to weigh this myself, among other factors. When push came to shove, I believed voting for Bush and the Republicans wouldn’t slacken the killing of the unborn, but voting for Kerry might slacken the killing of the Iraqis and the risk to our own soldiers. I’ll now find out if I was right about the first.

The National Democratic Party has received a wake-up call. The question is whether they are capable of understanding it. If they do understand it and take it to heart, they must, among other things, begin the process of moving away from thinking of abortion as an entitlement to thinking of it as something that is wrong and our country should work to curtail. Until they do that, and until they rediscover they are the party of the middle-class and the poor, they will continue to lose by larger and larger margins.

At least that is my opinion.
okieinexile said:
The indisputable fact is that the most the Democrats were asking for was someone that was not George W. Bush, but being not Bush was not enough.
Absolutely right - and if there's still a war tension towards the next presidential elections, the Democrats are going to need a military figure - someone like General Wesley Clark, who could be seen as a safe figure to unite America under fire. Kerry never offered that and that's what he especially lost on.

okieinexile said:
It is tainted with the yeast of elitism
I liked that - very cutting. :)
okieinexile said:
Abortion has been a costly issue for the Democrats. It has lost them the South, rural areas, and a lot of Catholics, but “a woman’s right to choose” is something they won’t give up. One might picture the party as a collective saying, “Well it’s not the sort of thing we want to happen, but it’s not like they are real humans, you know. If you were as smart as we are, then you’d understand.”

The trouble is that elites, by their very nature, are small groups, and the United States is some flavor of democracy. Elites lose in a democracy if they don’t attract allies, and it’s hard to be attractive to those you hold in contempt.

I urge the national Democratic leadership to heed the following and make it their mantra. Even if you are smart, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are right, and even if you are right, that doesn’t mean you should get your way.
We are now in a war with Iraq I believe was unjustified. We have killed tens-of-thousands of people and have made enemies for our children and our grandchildren, we have squandered our good will in the rest of the world, and we have put our nation’s finest in harm’s way.

This is why so many wanted “anybody but Bush.” But it is a balance between the blood of the Iraqi’s and the blood of the unborn. I had to weigh this myself, among other factors. When push came to shove, I believed voting for Bush and the Republicans wouldn’t slacken the killing of the unborn, but voting for Kerry might slacken the killing of the Iraqis and the risk to our own soldiers. I’ll now find out if I was right about the first.

The National Democratic Party has received a wake-up call. The question is whether they are capable of understanding it. If they do understand it and take it to heart, they must, among other things, begin the process of moving away from thinking of abortion as an entitlement to thinking of it as something that is wrong and our country should work to curtail. Until they do that, and until they rediscover they are the party of the middle-class and the poor, they will continue to lose by larger and larger margins.

At least that is my opinion.
What I can see is that Americans don't give a damn about the life in another countries. They care only when the life is from USA. And this is wrong, as all your country was made by immigration from European, Asian, South American, Australian and African countries.

You care about unborn childs, but you don't care how many were killed in Afganistan and Irak and Iran and Vietnam and Africa. You are completly cut out from the rest of the world.

Don't get me wrong, Bobby. I have nothing against you. The entire external policy of USA is wrong . Those who have the power at the White House, they forgot where they come from. They forgot you have to respect the others in order to be respected. The entire USA was made by immigration from countries all over the world, by destroying almost all Native American (indian) tradition.

USA has no right to govern the entire world. I can see the paranoia in the decisions from the White House and when you are aware of paranoia, you know something is wrong.

I agree with much of what you said. I voted to change our current regime. The way I see it, the democrats decided that preserving the "right" to kill unborn babies was more important than stopping the war. The republicans simply close ranks behind their leader as is their nature.
alexa said:
What I can see is that Americans don't give a damn about the life in another countries.
Actually, much as it can be easy to critcise a lot of US foreign policy (as with foreign policy for most governments, perhaps), it's also worth remembering that the US is the biggest provider of foreign aid.

True, some US aid comes with strings attached - for example, tied to trade negotiations - and certainlty it's not so high per capita as certain Scandanavian countries. But in terms of sheer numbers the US beats all. The US funds a quarter of the UN's bill, plus has various international aid initiatives. Whilst the US wouldn't embrace Kyoto, George W Bush's aids were fighting for AIDs in Africa.

Where the problem arises is where US interests are seen as at odds with other interests. Iraqi civilian lives are more easily overlooked by a media who's sons and daughters are being shot at, by groups who would hide behind the civilians in the first place.
Brian, I don't understand one thing in USA's policy : Why so many wars ? O.k. Irak is a recent one, but there is another one in Afganistan. Bush Sn. had the Golf war. And if we go back in time, we can mention Vietnam.

I know those who manufacture arms are interested to keep them going, but what about the civil people ? How many American soldiers have to die, to realize they can live in peace, too ? Even if the war is in another country, those soldiers die as the war was on USA teritory. And with them, there are the other victims and not all of them are soldiers.

Why not use that money for a better purpose, like you said to help those in need or to protect the environment(Bush should sign Kyoto, too !), or to give people medical assistance free of charge at least for urgent cases ? They could do so many things with the money spent in wars.
I agree Alexa and now another wake up call for the US and the rest of the world.

Statis forces have been claiming ownership and control of individuals - mind/body/soul - for centuries. If you believe that your inherent rights and privileges originate from God. then your beliefs will be sorely challenged under the upcoming days, weeks, months and years. Read between the lines of what happend yesterday a you will get a glimpse of what's in store for freedom and liberty in our world. It's time to walk into the light of this New Day that is dawning all around us and confront the forces of such insanity with the power of Divine Love and Divine Truth which, with a smile and an open heart, just says "NO!" . Peace and God Bless, Fred Smart

December 9, 2004

"Your Papers Please"

US adopts National ID: Homeland Security Now In charge of Regulations for
all US States Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates

By: Jonathan Wheeler

In a chilling act more reminiscent of the now defunct Soviet Union or the Nazi regime of Adolph Hitler, the United States Congress passed legislation
yesterday that requires the States to surrender their regulatory rights over driver's licenses and birth certificates to The Department of Homeland

The massive US Intelligence Reform Bill weighed in at over 3,000 pages and though unread by individual Members of either the House or Senate nevertheless passed all of the legislative hurdles needed in order to become law.

President Bush lobbied hard for these provisions, only objecting when Senator Sensenbrenner attempted to require these same provisions for illegal aliens but which the President opposed. This provision was dropped from the final bill.

Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and
Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen information, including biometric security provisions.

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be included on their Birth Certificates, along with DNA biometric markers. All birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security registered Birth Certificate.

Drivers Licenses will also contain DNA biometric markers and include the holders Social Security Number and be required for receiving and applying for all State and Federal benefits programs. Previous Supreme Court rulings have also upheld State and Federal Law Enforcement authorities right to request Identification from any American citizen, for any reason and at any time as not being violations of their, the citizens, constitutionally protected rights.

Major Banks and credit card companies have applauded the adoption of a National ID system as being important to counter fraud and increasing
instances of identity theft. National ID cards with biometric markers will eliminate them from having to issue Credit and Debit cards, which for the first time in US history have surpassed the usage of checks and cash. Utilizing The Department of Homeland Securities centralized federal database, Banks and credit card companies will only require the presentation of a citizens Driver's License to make purchases as all of the persons financial information, including credit and cash balances, will already be known in 'real time'. (The combining of Homeland Security and Banking databases on citizen's balances and purchases, along with their past and present purchasing information, has been allowed under previous Federal Laws
including the Patriot Act.)

Also included in this bill is a law to require The Department of Homeland Security to establish a separate ID system for citizens to use prior to boarding airplanes, and which is eerily reminiscent of the Soviet and Nazi regimes dreaded Internal Passport.

Never before in our history have the words of Benjamin Franklin been so correct when he stated: "people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".

Today, December 9, 2004 will be one of those moments in time that future historians will look back on and pin point as being the day that the United States of American, and as it was founded by its forefathers, ceased to exist.