For Those Who Believe in Reincarnation:

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
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Between Celestial Planes
I'm not sure whether reincarnation is an actual belief of mine or just a hope, but the other day I was reading about string theory and possible multiple universe scenarios and a thought occurred to me. If we do reincarnate, could that reincarnation occur anywhere on the timeline? In other words, instead of reincarnating in 2014, could it be 1914 or 1964 or anywhere else for that matter? Maybe even another dimension altogether...... Any thoughts?
All of time is now...all of our incarnations are happening simultaneously as is our entire life...

The problem I have with the multiverse is I don't know the chorus.
According to Quantum Physics, Elvis is alive and well, performing in a building somewhere ... I have to say the hope that we somehow progress is not shared by the originators of the true doctrine, who see the spiral heading in two directions.

... the enduring question with regard to reincarnation for me is to dispute the assumption that what we think of as the individual and particular 'self', that which says 'me', is that which reincarnates ... I don't think it does.

I rather tend to see reincarnation as 'life goes on', it's the universal and generic nature or essence that we call 'humanity' that brings forth instances of itself in time and space. Each one unique unto 'itself', but all participating, to a greater or lesser degree, in the dynamism of the essence.

Karma in that sense is what we make of this world for those who follow — our children — or as Scripture says, the sins of the fathers will be visited on their sons. They are born into the world we have shaped, with all its brilliance and all its burden. We go forward as best we can, equipped with the baggage that has been bequeathed to us. Another way of saying it is 'original sin'.

As for different worlds, well the original doctrines assure us there are many.

As for reincarnating backwards in time, I'm not sure any doctrine has touched upon that.
I pay a lot of attention to cosmology; it is one of my favorite subjects. I have heard all the sides and the multi-verse theory is a strained one. It is one of those 'the math works' so it might be real theories.

I've never been fond of the math is right theories. There is little link between a great equation and reality a lot of the time.

Plus we have no way to ever test this multi-verse theory. It has to be taken on faith. I get uncomfortable when science starts relying on faith!
If we do reincarnate, could that reincarnation occur anywhere on the timeline? In other words, instead of reincarnating in 2014, could it be 1914 or 1964 or anywhere else for that matter?

I do wonder this... but I can't get my head wrapped around the idea, because if this is possible, history (and therefore reality today) can be changing every moment of every day???
Tad, I think reincarnating time is linear. I do not think we can reincarnate in 1914 after we reincarnate in 2014.
Tad, I think reincarnating time is linear. I do not think we can reincarnate in 1914 after we reincarnate in 2014.

Yea, that's what I'd think too. But Einstein seems to have suggested the time-travel is (at least) theoretically possible or something... of which I have no earthly idea how it can happen! :eek:

" Einstein seems to have suggested the time-travel is (at least) theoretically possible or something... of which I have no earthly idea how it can happen!"

--> If I remember correctly, we would have to accelerate our spaceships to near the speed of light. (No need to worry about this in the foreseeable future...)
Yea, that's what I'd think too. But Einstein seems to have suggested the time-travel is (at least) theoretically possible or something... of which I have no earthly idea how it can happen! :eek:


I think the math is that if something moves faster then light it moves backwards in time. But matter doesn't move as fast as light so that never happens, as far as we know. So the questions are, are souls made of matter? And do they move in the physical space?

But in the end, I'm with G on math.
I looked into Reiki a while back ... everything was going reasonably OK as long as no-one drew ridiculous parallels between Reiki 'energy' and the Holy Spirit (Reiki is another example of an Asiatic practice 'reinvented' and 'repackaged' for consumption by westerners) ... then I was told that, through advanced techniques, one could 're-write' one's past, in effect 'cure' it, and the Master who was telling me this could not see the fundamental illogicality of his argument ...
Since reincarnation occurs beyond the physical universe, I don't think that Einstein's general theory of relativity applies! Nor would quantum mechanics for the same reason.
Concerning Thomas' comments on changing one's past and Wil's repost, my perception is that they are both partially right.

I'm not completely sure what this 'Master' was trying to say to Thomas, but if I get the drift it is New Age mumbo jumbo. In the sense that we cannot rewrite the consequences of what we have done in our past. We may be able to cure it for our personal selves (more on that in a minute), but we cannot change the outcome our actions have had on other people. At least we cannot without a current action whose purpose was to try and rectify the original action.

I agree with Wil that it is possible to change our perceptions of what we have done in the past. We cannot undo the consequences of our actions, but we can alter our thinking on how we perceive what we have done.

Indeed, too many people have a skewed perception of their past decisions. They perceive their choices that had a bad resolution as faults for which they feel guilt. A lot of the time those actions are just people being all too human, which constitutes our flaws and insecurities.

A healthier balance is too give ourselves some slack and accept that we are all too fallible, and to learn to not beat oneself up too much for that. Our perception in this regard can, in a sense, change our past; or at least our view of our past.

The tricky part in this is to change our perceptions with honesty about what we have done. Some actions go beyond the frailties of being human, because they were wrong and unjust. One needs to be honest with oneself and acknowledge those actions that were mistakes we all make as humans from those that we know can not be glossed over with false forgiveness.
I do wonder this... but I can't get my head wrapped around the idea, because if this is possible, history (and therefore reality today) can be changing every moment of every day???
Amazing how much we think alike. I had the same thought when I first pondered the possibility of reincarnating into the past and dismissed the notion for that reason. Then I started to think, what if you reincarnated into the past, not in your own dimension, but into another realm altogether? That wouldn't change a thing in this reality. A huge leap of faith on many levels I know, but wow... what if?
We are all works in progress...and G!d ain't done with us yet... we've got more trials to go and if we had it all done we'd have ascended by now...

Anyone thinks they can grock this joint in one lifetime?? Seriously?? Heck, does anyone think that Jesus made it in one trip? He was close to missin out last time...according to the book...he did pretty good with the tempter in his 30 days...but there at the end of his 30 years he was all take this cup from me and father why have you forsaken me... we all stumble...
Amazing how much we think alike. I had the same thought when I first pondered the possibility of reincarnating into the past and dismissed the notion for that reason. Then I started to think, what if you reincarnated into the past, not in your own dimension, but into another realm altogether? That wouldn't change a thing in this reality. A huge leap of faith on many levels I know, but wow... what if?

Yea, I know, but if we reincarnate into 'the past' of a different dimension, 'the current reality' of that dimension will be messed up too... no? But I haven't gotten the slightest idea (earthly or heavenly or any otherwise!:D) of the structure of other dimensions... so again, it's still way over my head...

Yea, I know, but if we reincarnate into 'the past' of a different dimension, 'the current reality' of that dimension will be messed up too... no? But I haven't gotten the slightest idea (earthly or heavenly or any otherwise!:D) of the structure of other dimensions... so again, it's still way over my head...

I guess what I was thinking is, that our past could be another dimensions present and vice versa. I agree with you, it's a ways above our limited understanding. :rolleyes:
Anyone thinks they can grock this joint in one lifetime??

Of course one can.

You two are funny. Doesn't that depend on what we're suppose to learn? How long it takes is just another unknown we have to take on more or less faith, right? You can't start squabbling over that right? We'll be here until the end of days.