I completely agree Nick. I have been mentioning in casual conversations for almost two years now that 100 years in the future this time period will be remembered as the waining of the U.S.
As you say, it is the way of things. Countries, like individuals, have a birth, a growth, and a decline (and even a death, though that often takes much, much longer).
My shame is not in the natural order of civilization declines. My shame is the way in which this country is dying. Ignorance is becoming the norm amongst our citizens. We have some of the smartest, brightest minds in the world; surrounded by an ocean of dimwits who cannot be bothered to be educated. People choose ignorance as a lifestyle, and are proud of this.
Science is derided by those who won't take the time to even understand it first. But beliefs in pseudo-sciences, paranormal powers, aliens from another planet, Big Foot - all are believed without question.
Okay. End of rant. Well for now anyway.