Deleted From The Bible

brother's keeper

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I'm new here, but not new to religious discussions...

When Jesus said: "the things I have done, you shall also do and greater" leads me to believe that perhaps common man will be able to walk on water? heal (which people do already) etc...

Well, I was told that there were passages that the Catholic church deleted from the Bible. specifically sections that dealt with (magic?) or senses beyond the norm? As a way to control the masses...

I scanned the Apocrypha and found nothing... perhaps someone knows more?

also any thoughts about that still happening today would be interesting...

thank you,

I think the verse refers to the miracles performed by the apostles in Act's and the many unrecorded ones. Does that mean that they ever walked on water I don't know but that seems kind of irrelevant. I'm interested to hear what verses are said to be removed because I've only ever heard this one other time from a friend of mine who like you doesn't know what they where. The only thing I could think of would be the books that where decided to be not canonical at the councils in northern Africa. aka the Apocrypha
I agree. walking on water, levitating, magic etc. doesn't bring neccessarily bring one closer to God.

but when scientists say that we only use 10% of our brain, I have to wonder if there is an area of ourselves that has been lying dormant, waiting to wake up? are they linked to what Jesus was talking about?

the fact that Jesus condems the use of having spirits talk through us (as well as banning other supernatural acts)... to me, that means that it was a problem back then.

I just wanted to understand where I could find these missing passages if they exist. they may help me understand some things that have been clouded my whole life. This seems to be common knowledge among Catholic priests only.

How long will it stay that way?

brother's keeper said:
I agree. walking on water, levitating, magic etc. doesn't bring necessarily bring one closer to God.
brother's keeper said:

but when scientists say that we only use 10% of our brain, I have to wonder if there is an area of ourselves that has been lying dormant, waiting to wake up? are they linked to what Jesus was talking about?

We use the entirety of our brains we just only use 10 % at one time.

brother's keeper said:
the fact that Jesus condems the use of having spirits talk through us (as well as banning other supernatural acts)... to me, that means that it was a problem back then.

I just wanted to understand where I could find these missing passages if they exist. they may help me understand some things that have been clouded my whole life. This seems to be common knowledge among Catholic priests only.

How long will it stay that way?

You really think the clergy is keeping a big secret about verses taken out of the bible. I'm sorry but if they do exist the average priest would no nothing about them unless it is public knowledge. Which most things in the church are.
No, I don't think that clergy knows.... it would be higher and deeper than that. Sounds like we BOTH don't know...

brother's keeper said:
No, I don't think that clergy knows.... it would be higher and deeper than that. Sounds like we BOTH don't know...

Well of course we don't know. Anything is possible. There is also a rumor going around that the Vatican has Elvis in it’s basement in all fairness that could be true but It doesn't mean it's likely. I can tell you that during the reformation & 7 books and part of Daniel where removed from the protestant Old testament maybe the person you heard this from had it backwards.

Walking on water.....Jesus used many parables, and his disciples must have learnt to create them too, through the evidence of their own experience.

So allow me to share, Jesus was teaching his disciples self mastery, as part of the ancient wisdom teachings.

Symbolically water represents emotions, so when Jesus said 'you can walk on water' what he is saying is that you can rise above your emotions and walk above them. He was teaching them to rise above their fears.

Hold my hand, trust me, you can walk on water.

Deletions from the bible, hmm many changes Origen, Jerome and then again in the middle ages. Who knows how much more!!!Jerome's letters are worth reading if you have the patience.

Love beyond measure
