Rapture passes - believers downcast, pastor silent

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Rapture passes - believers downcast, pastor silent - Houston Chronicle

"Followers of an Oakland radio minister who predicted that Saturday would mark the start of the world's last days waited in vain for a religious homecoming that never happened.

"After driving from Maryland in the hope of being taken up to heaven in the Rapture with a crowd of fellow believers, Keith Bauer admitted his disappointment Saturday as he stood in a near-empty parking lot outside the locked Family Radio headquarters in Oakland."
heh, they must have had their eyes open but missed the tell tale. (tell tail?)
I remember this. It happened three years ago.

The funny thing is that this was the second time this preacher picked an exact date. Few of his followers said "He was mistaken before. Maybe he'll be mistaken again."

I remember reading an interview with a follower as the date was getting close. The interviewer asked if he had any doubts. He said he couldn't afford to doubt it, because doubt would keep him out of heaven. So God will punish you for not trusting one particular mortal's math?

Actually, the funniest part concerned time zones. The rapture was supposed to happen at midnight--for each time zone. So disaster would hit one time zone while the one next to it would be okay for an hour.
I laughed at the part about the time zones too. 24 separate raptures? Too funny.

It's sad that some people are so gullible. I guess they have such deep, painful psychological needs that they will believe just about anything.
I laughed at the part about the time zones too. 24 separate raptures? Too funny.QUOTE]

Not to defend the Rapture crowd, but it's really not that far fetched that a celestial event could happen successively according to time zones. Just as everyone does not see the sunrise and sunset at the same time, if a celestial event were directed at earth from a single point, those on earth would experience it successively as the earth rotated in accordance with their time zone.
I'm too busy living to ever think about it, but I do find it sad & a bit curious that people would want to see the end of the world or even consider it ...
I think if one's God were indeed merciful the end of the world would happen as people are going about their daily living ...
Just a quick end w/no worries, no wrapping up business or good-byes - a simple day like any day ...
I haven't gotten far enough in my thinking & planning today to know what I'll be cooking for dinner ... lol!
It just amazes me that anyone is taken in by these rapture shysters. :rolleyes:

It is a scenario which is highly unlikely to come about thank goodness!
I'm too busy living to ever think about it, but I do find it sad & a bit curious that people would want to see the end of the world or even consider it ...
I think if one's God were indeed merciful the end of the world would happen as people are going about their daily living ...
Just a quick end w/no worries, no wrapping up business or good-byes - a simple day like any day ...
I haven't gotten far enough in my thinking & planning today to know what I'll be cooking for dinner ... lol!

According to the Bible that's how it will happen... "In the blink of and eye" No mention of day, date and time.

Now, about dinner... I'm thinking fish and brown rice :rolleyes:
According to the Bible that's how it will happen... "In the blink of and eye" No mention of day, date and time.

Thanks for the reminder! :D
I knew I had read it somewhere, however, I don't like to post information w/out knowing its source ...