Spiritual question


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Hi all, i'm brand new to the forum and joined in hoping that my question may be answered or some ideas chucked around to help me more understand what I have experienced. I had a dream last year that has not left my mind and has deeply affected my life, I found myself floating in space staring upon a woman looking being with long electric blue hair, she was wearing some kind of black space suit that was tight the skin, as I gazed upon this being I felt a deep connection even though I didn't know what or who this being was. My question is; has any one had an experience with a being like her? What is it or the meaning of the dream? etc. Your opinions and answers would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, welcome to the forum.

I've never had such a dream, my dreams are almost always mumbo-jumbo worthy of no analysis. I wonder if what you had was kind of similar to an out-of-body experience(OBE)? I think there are some members here who had an OBE, but I haven't seen them posting lately... If you google 'OBE', you'll find a bunch of websites and some of them have a discussion forum (if you haven't already joined one), people who've experienced OBEs may have better ideas about what you're trying to find out.

Cheers Tad, I didn't think of the possibility of it being an OBE, I'll look into , Thank you! :)
Hi all, i'm brand new to the forum and joined in hoping that my question may be answered or some ideas chucked around to help me more understand what I have experienced. I had a dream last year that has not left my mind and has deeply affected my life, I found myself floating in space staring upon a woman looking being with long electric blue hair, she was wearing some kind of black space suit that was tight the skin, as I gazed upon this being I felt a deep connection even though I didn't know what or who this being was. My question is; has any one had an experience with a being like her? What is it or the meaning of the dream? etc. Your opinions and answers would be greatly appreciated.

Hello there, welcome to the forum. Hope you'll excuse some of the petty squabbles going on at the moment.

I enjoyed reading your dream experience. I don't know what it means, but it really sounds interesting. Has this been reoccurring or was it just the one time?

I have weird dreams all the time. Check out this thread:

The floating in space part does sound like an o.b.e. We all leave our bodies during deep sleep and remember as a dream , if at all . I dont know about the woman with blue hair .
Hi all, i'm brand new to the forum and joined in hoping that my question may be answered or some ideas chucked around to help me more understand what I have experienced. I had a dream last year that has not left my mind and has deeply affected my life, I found myself floating in space staring upon a woman looking being with long electric blue hair, she was wearing some kind of black space suit that was tight the skin, as I gazed upon this being I felt a deep connection even though I didn't know what or who this being was. My question is; has any one had an experience with a being like her? What is it or the meaning of the dream? etc. Your opinions and answers would be greatly appreciated.
i don't know, but it looks like the experiences of contemporary contactees like Elena Danaan; her books are for purshase and she has her youtube channel... https://www.amazon.com/SEEDERS-Return-Mrs-Elena-Danaan/dp/B0BFVRLYK6/ (it's her 2022 book, etc.)
Despite the plethora of explanations and interpretations, you may receive regarding your dream(s), no one is in a better position than yourself to understand what your dreams mean, the only other qualified person to do so would be a psychoanalyst who has spent much time with you learning what makes you tick and why your unconscious mind attaches specific symbolism to certain things.
Not all is symbolic: rather it is more like... celestial contacts; for sure.