Better than others!



Why is it some Christians, usually of the more fundamentalist 'born again' dogma, seem to think they are better than non believers, and even other Christians of different doctrines? However their behaviour can leave a lot to be desired, and is often worse, than the 'heathen', and Christians of other doctrines they appear to despise!
Rather than speculate, you ought to just ask one such person ...
Zinga, you said:

"Rather than speculate, you ought to just ask one such person ..."

--> Unfortunately, that would probably just result in a confrontation. I do not want to walk up to a Christian who is a complete stranger and ask them, "Why do you have a messiah complex?"

Here is a good cartoon that is along the same lines:


<*ttp://> by Mike Lukovich

If we non-Christians were to confront Christians with the fact we think they have a messiah complex, they would probably have either a denial response or a rage response, just like what this cartoon is saying. So, no, 'just asking one such person' is probably not a good idea.
I think if the question is asked in a confrontational manner it will indeed garner a confrontational response.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how the question could be phrased otherwise. Since if the person did indeed have such a complex, anything that tends to question their position would likely be deemed confrontational and be met with same.
"...I'm not sure how the question could be phrased otherwise."

...which is the crux of the issue. Most Christians do not think their religion teaches them to act in a messiah-complex way, whereas some non-Christians think it does. Many people are interested in interfaith dialogue, but I do not think real interfaith dialogue is possible until both sides are willing to discuss this "messiah complex" issue.
Why is it some Christians, usually of the more fundamentalist 'born again' dogma, seem to think they are better than non believers, ...
Why is it some Atheists, usually of the more fundamentalist 'god is for idiots' dogma, seem to think they are better than believers?
Why is it some Atheists, usually of the more fundamentalist 'god is for idiots' dogma, seem to think they are better than believers?

I don't think they do think they are better than believers, but they are certainly no worse.

The way people of faith behave is down to their personality not their belief system, imo. You have people who are extreme in their views who use their faith in a very abusive way, whilst others believing in the same doctrine are a force for good in this world. It is the same with non believers, some are ghastly, others set out to do good.
"The way people of faith behave is down to their personality not their belief system, imo."

--> I agree. As a matter of fact, the worst time I ever had with proselytizers was not with Christian proselytizers but with Buddhist proselytizers in Japan!
Matthew 7:15
King James Version (KJV)
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

evil people hide themselves as religious.
So, first we all agree that Christians are arrogant, and then we agree that they are no more or less arrogant then any other?
So, first we all agree that Christians are arrogant, and then we agree that they are no more or less arrogant then any other?

Yeah how about that. Maybe it's that arrogant people find other arrogant people more arrogant then themselves. Oh dear... I'm getting dizzy. :rolleyes:
Aren't everyone here aware of moments when our pride shines through? For me, it's often followed by shame...or regret. So I try.