Desecration of Baha'i cemetary in Shiraz


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Redlands, California
It would appear the destruction of the Baha'i cemetery by the "Revolutionary Guards" has proceeded and without a permit...

From an article:

"Despite a worldwide outcry, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards is continuing to destroy a historic Baha'i cemetery in Shiraz, Iran. The ongoing demolition – which is understood to be taking place without a permit from municipal authorities – continues unabated. Ironically, President Hassan Rouhani's advisor on religious and ethnic minorities spoke last Friday in a synagogue in Shiraz and called on Iranians to respect the rights of religious minorities. All the while, the revolutionary guards were carrying out the ongoing destruction in another part of the city.

"Baha'is around the world have been moved by the overwhelming expressions of outrage in the media and particularly from Iranians both inside and outside of Iran who condemn this deplorable act," said Ms. Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations.
Many Iranians have responded with anger, registering their concern online."

For the complete article see:
Shiraz cemetery demolition continues by the Revolutionary Guards - Bahá'í World News Service

A photo of the destruction done to the site:

I'm unsure how many of the women who were hanged in 1983 were buried in the cemetery in Shiraz but as the graves have been desecrated it is good to remember them at this time.. their names are supplied here and some of their stories are attached:

Mrs. Nusrat Yalda'i

Mrs. 'Izzat Ishraqi

Miss Ruya Ishraqi

Miss Zarrin Muqimi

Mrs. Tahirih Siyavushi

Miss Shirin Dalvand

Miss Akhtar Sabit

Miss Mahshid Nirumand

Miss Simin Sabiri

Mrs. Tuba Za'irpour

Read their stories at

"The Story of Mona 1965-1983, part 5" __________________ __________________