I said:
Interesting question - as I read it: "How can Infinite God be perceived in limited form?"
The answers so far seem a bit abstract. God is like a perfect thing.... Religious answers have generally been a great deal more emediate:
"Who has seen Me has seen the Father"...
To fill out the idea alittle....
"Shouldst thou ... turn thy gaze unto a Mirror, brilliant, stainless, and pure, wherein the divine Beauty is reflected, therein wilt thou find the Sun shining with Its rays, Its heat, Its disc, Its fair form all entire. For each separate entity possesseth its allotted portion of the solar light and telleth of the Sun, but that Universal Reality in all Its splendour, that stainless Mirror Whose qualities are appropriate to the qualities of the Sun revealed within It-- expresseth in their entirety the attributes of the Source of Glory. And that Universal Reality is Man, the divine Being, the Essence that abideth forever. `Say, Call upon God, or call upon the All-Merciful; whichsoever ye call upon, most beauteous are His Names.'
This is the meaning of the Messiah's words, that the Father is in the Son. Dost thou not see that should a stainless mirror proclaim, `Verily is the sun ashine within me, together with all its qualities, tokens and signs', such an utterance by such a mirror would be neither deceptive nor false? No, by the One Who created It, shaped It, fashioned It, and made It to be an entity conformable to the attributes of the glory within It! Praised be He Who created It! Praised be He Who fashioned It! Praised be He Who made It manifest!
Such were the words uttered by Christ. On account of these words they cavilled at and assailed Him when He said unto them, `Verily the Son is in the Father, and the Father is in the Son.' Be thou informed of this, and learn thou the secrets of thy Lord."
Did He also say "Why dost thou bow to me? Only the Father is Good!"
And examination of this question is at
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