The exorcist


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a figment of your imagination
So the movie....Linda Blair...

I'm not into horrors...this one came out when I was in high school, watched it on a date....this was the only reason for me to go to horror movies, oh my the chicks cuddled right in....

Yeah....but what I just heard makes sense yet blew me away.

It was about the issue of women being infected/brainwashed by the femminist movement, bra burning, free love, open sexuality??

the young priest (new culture) couldn't handle it and had to call in the old priest (old culture) to get the demons out of her??

I doubt it … you know how people spin stuff. I doubt the stories that the movie was dogged by evil spirits is true, either.

I read the book in almost a single sitting.

So, alone in the kitchen, an empty house (everyone was away), I was free to drink coffee and read all night. Around 3.00am, I was up to the bit where Fr Merin turns up at the house. At this point, my packet of Marlboro and the lighter threw themselves off the fridge, and I jumped out of my skin.

Recovering **** (as we call them), lit one up, tried to control my trembling, and insisted there must be a logical reason for what happened. Couldn't think of one. Just sat there … and then the thermostat kicked in again, and the fridge began its gentle vibration, and the packet of **** began its slow progress towards the edge …
Yeah, the presenter was going on and on about all this stuff. I didn't get any response here... nor other places I inquired after I listened to the program while driving...

I started looking into it. One of the discussions was regarding revolting and the Linda Blair, Patty Hearst connection.... I looked that up....She was kidnapped after the movie came out...dang screenwriter was pretty good.

My area of study is personality disorders, and I find it disgusting how some Christian "authorities" try to write off people with personality disorders as having "demons" that must be exorcised, instead of being people who need therapy and psychiatric intervention. Yes, this idiocy has come up a number of times in the history of the Catholic church.

I have heard that the Catholic church is still recruiting priests who can do "exorcisms". Yikes!
I doubt it … you know how people spin stuff. I doubt the stories that the movie was dogged by evil spirits is true, either.

I read the book in almost a single sitting.

So, alone in the kitchen, an empty house (everyone was away), I was free to drink coffee and read all night. Around 3.00am, I was up to the bit where Fr Merin turns up at the house. At this point, my packet of Marlboro and the lighter threw themselves off the fridge, and I jumped out of my skin.

Recovering **** (as we call them), lit one up, tried to control my trembling, and insisted there must be a logical reason for what happened. Couldn't think of one. Just sat there … and then the thermostat kicked in again, and the fridge began its gentle vibration, and the packet of **** began its slow progress towards the edge …

I agree with you on the on the evil spirits and conspiracy theories. Classic movie though.:)

Peace, Love, and Light.