UN human rights experts urge Iran...


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Redlands, California
I came across this article regarding the UN human rights experts urging Iran to halt the destruction of the Baha'i cemetary in Shiraz...

Three top UN human rights experts call for a halt to Shiraz cemetery destruction

4 September 2014

GENEVA — Three high-level United Nations human rights experts today called on Iran to halt the ongoing destruction of a historic Baha’i cemetery in Shiraz, Iran, saying the action is an “unacceptable” violation of freedom of religion.

In a joint news release, Heiner Bielefeldt, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Ahmed Shaheed, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, and Rita Izsak, the UN Independent Expert on minority issues, said they were “dismayed” at reports that demolition work had resumed in August.

“Cemeteries, like places of worship, are an essential part of how people exercise and manifest their right to freedom of religion or belief. Their significance goes beyond their physical presence,” said Dr. Bielefeldt.

“Attacks on cemeteries are unacceptable and are a deliberate violation of freedom of religion or belief,” he added. “The government of Iran must take urgent action.”

For the full article see:

Three top UN human rights experts call for a halt to Shiraz cemetery destruction - Bahá'í World News Service