Asalamu aleykum to all the Muslims on the boards (i'm not Muslim btw). I saw these great videos of The Hajj on you and found them moving and beautiful. I thought you might enjoy them seeing as not every Muslim gets the chance to go. Enjoy.
Hajj 2013 - 1434 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
Hajj 2012 Video Diary Documentary - YouTube
hajj 2012 - 1433 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
hajj 2011 - 1432 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
Peace, Love, and Light.
Hajj 2013 - 1434 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
Hajj 2012 Video Diary Documentary - YouTube
hajj 2012 - 1433 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
hajj 2011 - 1432 {ALL clip in one} full HD - YouTube
Peace, Love, and Light.