In an experiment with heart monitors on patients who were not told of
an experiment´s details. Their heartrate patterns were monitored and
recorded over a twenty minute period, but not reviewed.
"Psychic healers" tasked two months later to try to invoke changes in
the same patients heart rates, recorded "on and off" sessions over
twenty minutes.( pics shown of the patient, then of scenery in varying
time sequences)
All the data -not checked until afterwards- shows there was very
realtime changes exactly correlating with the healers pattern of
activity and the data recorded by the heart monitors two months before
it ever hapened.
conclusive data that time does not exist, or information and influence
can transverse it, making meaning and intent the only consequential
effect on everything, anywhere, anytime.
meaning & intent. imagine. syncronicity is all there is. time and
space are illusions percieved by the senses to construe linear
consequences where there really are none.
Institute of Noetic Sciences,
101 San Antonio Road,Petaluma,CA 94952,
The mind's extended reach remains to be fully defined in scientific terms, but research on human consciousness suggests that we may have direct communication links with each other, and that our intentions can have effects in the world despite physical barriers and separations. We are compelled by good evidence to accept correlations that we cannot yet explain. It appears that consciousness may sometimes produce something that resembles, at least metaphorically, a nonlocal field of meaningful information.