The story of Farahmand Sanai...


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Redlands, California
A fascinating encounter took place in prison between Farahmand Sanai and his interrogator:

Farahmand Sanai was arrested on October 2012 along with his wife, Farahnaz Tebyani, and other Baha’is from Gorgan. After a month of interrogation, his wife was released on $50,000 bail, but Farahmand was sent to the infamous Rajai Shahr prison. “What would you ask your judge or your interrogator under fair, just and equitable circumstances? “ I asked him.

He tells yet another interesting story. He recalls that on the first days after his arrest and during his interrogation, his interrogator’s cell phone rang and Farahmand noticed him talking to his son. After hanging up, he told Farahmand that his son was complaining that his friends were not inviting him to their birthday parties, and that he was not interested in attending other parties to which he was invited. “Because of my sensative position, I cannot allow my family to attend many parties and places,” he added. “If, one day, an upheaval and change of regime takes place, all security forces like me will be more vulnerable to persecution.”

At that point, Farahmand, in all sincerity and honesty, told him that his home would be a safe haven for him and his family if such a day came. If he wished, Farahmand and his family were ready to welcome them.

His interrogator was so surprised to hear his words that day that perhaps he did not take his offer seriously, but this Gorgani man uttered these word so smoothly and sincerely that I easily believed him.

The “Happy” Ones Who Dream of Heaven in Their Prison Cells - Iran Press Watch