Dear All
On another thread Abogado kindly brought up the subject of water which has led me to provide some links on scientific research, I have also added a biblical look at water too.
'Water of GOD'
August 2004 Edition
Coherence Effects in Water and Living Systems
by Cyril W. Smith, PhD
Objective: To review the progress the writer has made over the past five years in understanding coherence effects in water and living systems using quantum mechanical models.
Background: The implications of existing theoretical work on water are discussed.
Methods: Available techniques for the measurement of frequencies imprinted in water are described or referenced.
Results: The importance of frequency is shown in respect of the understanding of the mechanisms of homoeopathy, acupuncture and how bio-information may be stored in water and also in respect of chemical and electrical sensitivities or hypersensitivities; hypersensitivity being that degree of sensitivity which seriously interferes with normal functioning.
Conclusion: Water and living systems have macroscopic quantum properties that can give rise to a memory for frequencies, long-range effects and entanglement between separated systems.
This paper reports on the progress since my 1997 presentation to the Center for Frontier Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, in which I addressed the question, "Is a living system a macroscopic quantum system?" (Smith, 1998). I concluded with a summary of evidence in support of my hypothesis that the microscopic effects of quantisation of energy and momentum at the atomic level extend into the macroscopic domain showing long-range order effects outside classical physics, which are non-linear, discontinuous, and describable in terms of a wave function or order parameter. These are strong effects, but they only weakly couple to electromagnetic fields and thus the systems behave as if at a very low temperature; the vector potential appears to be the coupling pathway. The experimental evidence suggests that the important features to be looked for are:
1. Water and living systems sensitive to a single quantum of magnetic flux (2.07 fWb).
2. Living systems interacting with external electromagnetic fields so as to involve the ‘Josephson Effect’ and its conversion factor 500 MHz/µV in respect of either applied voltages or applied frequencies.
3. The ‘Aharanov-Bohm Effect’ observed through a sensitivity in water and living systems to the magnetic vector potential and its effect on the phase of the wave function.
4. Water Memory for frequencies should be a phase coherence phenomenon.
5. It should be possible to control chemical reactions both in vitro and in vivo through the interaction of the magnetic vector potential with the chemical potential.
On another thread Abogado kindly brought up the subject of water which has led me to provide some links on scientific research, I have also added a biblical look at water too.
'Water of GOD'
August 2004 Edition
Coherence Effects in Water and Living Systems
by Cyril W. Smith, PhD
Objective: To review the progress the writer has made over the past five years in understanding coherence effects in water and living systems using quantum mechanical models.
Background: The implications of existing theoretical work on water are discussed.
Methods: Available techniques for the measurement of frequencies imprinted in water are described or referenced.
Results: The importance of frequency is shown in respect of the understanding of the mechanisms of homoeopathy, acupuncture and how bio-information may be stored in water and also in respect of chemical and electrical sensitivities or hypersensitivities; hypersensitivity being that degree of sensitivity which seriously interferes with normal functioning.
Conclusion: Water and living systems have macroscopic quantum properties that can give rise to a memory for frequencies, long-range effects and entanglement between separated systems.
This paper reports on the progress since my 1997 presentation to the Center for Frontier Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, in which I addressed the question, "Is a living system a macroscopic quantum system?" (Smith, 1998). I concluded with a summary of evidence in support of my hypothesis that the microscopic effects of quantisation of energy and momentum at the atomic level extend into the macroscopic domain showing long-range order effects outside classical physics, which are non-linear, discontinuous, and describable in terms of a wave function or order parameter. These are strong effects, but they only weakly couple to electromagnetic fields and thus the systems behave as if at a very low temperature; the vector potential appears to be the coupling pathway. The experimental evidence suggests that the important features to be looked for are:
1. Water and living systems sensitive to a single quantum of magnetic flux (2.07 fWb).
2. Living systems interacting with external electromagnetic fields so as to involve the ‘Josephson Effect’ and its conversion factor 500 MHz/µV in respect of either applied voltages or applied frequencies.
3. The ‘Aharanov-Bohm Effect’ observed through a sensitivity in water and living systems to the magnetic vector potential and its effect on the phase of the wave function.
4. Water Memory for frequencies should be a phase coherence phenomenon.
5. It should be possible to control chemical reactions both in vitro and in vivo through the interaction of the magnetic vector potential with the chemical potential.