"One thousand years of incarceration.."


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Redlands, California
News from Iran lately continues dark for Baha'is and indicates growing economic and social pressure by the authorities.... Baha'is generally attempt to recognize laws and authority where ever they reside and are purposefully non-partisan..

The following article is a good summary overall of what is transpiring there

According to Saham News, there are currently more than 130 Baha’is, both women and men, serving sentences in different prisons throughout the Islamic Republic. These sentences vary from one to twenty years. The lengthiest prison terms belong to the seven members who were previously managing the affairs of the Baha’i community – each one is sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. In recent months, tactics to apply economic pressure, such as closing Baha’i-owned shops and seizing the assets of some merchants, have been frequently used – they are particularly widespread in the cities of Semnan, Hamadan and Bandar-Abbas. Social pressure is also rampant. Baha’i youth are denied the opportunity to continue their education in university, and their last lifeline, the underground Baha’i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE), has been cut.

Complete article at

One Thousand Years Incarceration for Iranian Baha’is - Iran Press Watch