Hateful propaganda reported in Iran


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Redlands, California
Hojatoleslam Abbas Ramezani-Pour, the Friday prayer Imam of Rafsanjan, declared in a speech at the end of November that, according to religious fatwas, Baha'is are "unclean" and that it is "forbidden" to conduct business and trade with them.

"The rightful wishes of the people, which are that they [the Baha'is] should not be in this city, must be realized," Mr. Ramezani-Pour stated.

"This Imam has, in fact, called for the Baha'is to be expelled from Rafsanjan," said Ms. Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations. "Such negative remarks by a known cleric in the city are extremely worrisome and show a deep level of discrimination."

See full article here:

Hateful propaganda sparks concern for Baha?is of Rafsanjan - Bahá'í World News Service
Baha'is "do not have the right to study"

In Iran Baha'is do not have the "right to study" according to a senor cleric....Read the article:

"Iran's Baha'is minority have no civil rights in the regime because their beliefs are contrary to Islam, a senior cleric close to Hassan Rouhani has decreed.

Mohammad Mousavi-Bodjnordi - head of Iran's civil rights watchdog - told the state-run Fars news agency: "The Baha'i belief is contrary to Islam. In Iran, Baha'is have no civil rights and in particular, they do not have the right to study."

Instead, civil rights are defined as in line with the beliefs of former Supreme Leader and founder of the clerical regime Ali Khomeini, Mousavi-Bodjnordi said.

Mohammad Mousavi-Bodjnordi is a member of "combatant clergy" a clerical body that descibes itself as 'moderate'. Hassan Rohani appointed Mousavi-Bodjnordi as a member of this group to define "civil rights" shortly after he became president of the clerical regime...."

Baha'is have 'no civil rights', Iranian cleric close to Hassan Rouhani decrees
The following article is from a High School student in Iran interviewing officials about advancing to higher education.. Their responses reflect an official policy as you'll see from the article. I've highlighted the pertinent responses:

I had an idea. I said to myself, when they themselves tell us we have no rights, whom can we protest to? We do not have a representative in the parliament to whom we can turn. Then I decided to call a few members of the parliamentary Education Commission and ask them, as a Baha’i student, to follow up on my rights as an Iranian citizen. All three of them represent Tehran, have doctorates and teach at universities or research centers.

From Zohreh Tabib-Zadeh Nuri: “Convert to Islam and your problem will be solved.”

Mehdi Koochek-Zadeh: “Leave Iran.”

Mohammad Nabavian: “Universities are not for the Baha’is.”

Complete article at

A Baha’i Student Interviews Three Members of Iranian Parliament; All Tell Her She Has No Right to a University Education Because She Is Baha’i. - Iran Press Watch