Namaste Vajradhara
thank you for the post.
"so... my question is it that folks find it acceptable to redefine religious terms to suit their understanding?"
My view is that the universe is a constantly evolving creation, as our perceptions and realities change so does our understanding of this universe.
im not clear in which way you are responding to the query. are you saying that because human perception seems to be changing, that we are free to change the definition of terms as we see fit, according to our understanding?
Yes in tune with human consciousness today, but if the way I refer to karma is offensive to Buddhists and Hindu's, then I would be happy to cease using it, because the term itself isn't important to me. Although we do use the term in past life healing work due to the fact that we are healing actions from past lives, that also shape shifted transgenerationally.
The most important thing to me is people not terms, and the term cause and effect is sufficient for the work that I do, especially now that we have science to back it up.
That is each individuals free will, doesn't the original interpretation depend on the terms of the relationship with the religious tradition and its originators? Free will to interpet terms as they like? is that a skillful means to make spiritual progress?
Well some people make spiritual progress through religious tradition, but more and more people are now making spiritual progress in direct communion with the source. So each to their own, and from my perspective ALL are to be honored for their uniqueness, sacred divinity and individual choices.
"the original meaning, i would submit, is a bit different than an interepetation of said meaning, wouldn't you agree? one may or may not have the full sense of what is being taught, thus, a reinterpetation may result in more, rather than less, confusion."
I would say that it all depends on intent and origination.
we never "needed" to do that. these states of consciousness were always present. ethenogens are useful substances in that they can induce the altered state of consciousness, even if a being isn't spiritual prepared for such an undertaking. hence, the long tradition of Shamans initiating the next Shaman into the mystery.
Do you feel that consciousness has changed or is changing?
which is why i'm asking about the redefineing of the term "karma." from the Buddhist view, at least, there is no soul and no self and the heart is just a pump to move blood through your body. we understand these terms to be metaphors for something else, usually, experiences within the subtle energy body, the chakra system and all of that sort of thing.
OK so it is just a difference in terms because in our reality, the soul is the subtle energy system and this includes the aura, chakra's, merridians-nadi's.
As far as the heart is concerned, Dr Paul Pearsall wrote an amazing book about heart transplants called 'Hearts Code' the research carried out proved that by transplanting the heart the receivers gained memories they did not have before. e.g. a little girl was able to describe the murder and the murderer of the heart that she received. A Hells Angel stopped eating junk food and starting listening to classical musical. The donor listened to classical music. This research is now extended to all organs. It was only today that I was reviewing the lastest research on where the scientific papers talk about the heart communicating intelligently with the brain, so we now know that the heart is much more then a pump which confirms what ancient Egyptians believed. It also begs the question about the mention of blood in the bible and blood transfusions. Due to the fact that every cell carries memory and as a mind of its own.
"do you also believe that there is no opportunity to mitigate the reaping of your karmic deeds?"
No I accept that we have a choice and can change 85% of everything.
I then asked myself how would I feel if the terms used in the oral traditional of Reiki were redefined? The new consciousness of spiritual people are doing this all the time, as they become more aware of the nature of reality and direct communion with their higher selves and the spiritual realms. Individual's are taking their power back from rules and regulations and I view this daily, the more that people wake up to their own divinity the more it is creating sweeping changes.
"how on earth can you have a discussion if everyone is using their own defintions of the words? you'll plainly mean different things even using the exact same term, don't you find this more confusing than anything else?"
It adds to the art of communication, understanding and appreciation of where the other person is coming from.
Does religious tradition allow us to embrace everyone in oneness, total acceptance and unconditional love? i'm not sure what you are asking. can you clarify or ask it in another way?
What is more important embracing people or religious tradition?
I love you and thank you for your patience and willingness to understand.
Love beyond measure