Isabella Grinevskaya early Baha'i....


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Redlands, California
I've been reviewing the history of an early Baha'i who wrote a poem-play about the Bab around 1916-1917

Some more information regarding Isabella Grinevskaya on wkipedia...

In the 1890s, she settled in Odessa, Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire and undertook to write in Russian. As a playwright Grinevskaya wrote the play "Báb" based on the life an events of the founder of the Bábí religion[3] which was performed in St. Petersburg in 1904 and again in 1916/7, translated into French and Tatar,[4] and lauded by Leo Tolstoy and other reviewers at the time.[5] Grikor Suni won the first prize in a contest based on the play before it and the music were confiscated.[6]

In 1910 she settled in Constantinople[1] where there was a substantial Bahá'í population.[7] In 1910-11 she met `Abdu'l-Bahá, then head of the Bahá'í Faith, when he traveled to Egypt. She became an active Bahá'í certainly before the 1920s.[8][9]

Grinevskaya had several other writings published: an essay of meeting `Abdu'l-Bahá, a poem and a play entitled Bahá'u'lláh, each about founder of the Bahá'í Faith, published though the play was never performed partly from the turmoil of World War I and the October Revolution, and she carried on correspondence with Russian intellectuals, Bahá'ís both in the East and to a lesser extent in the West (Martha Root, Star of the West) as well as traveling to Egypt, France, and Baku, Azerbaijan where there was a substantial Bahá'í population.[4] Through her life she was in several Bahá'í communities and in touch with many others.
Grinevskaya died in Istanbul in 1944.[1]

Isabella Grinevskaya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Her play is online in pdf at

You can read it in Russian...