The secret

I have not seen the movie....but did read parts of the book quite a while ago... I remember it being a new reading of Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich' and Wallace Wattles 'Science of Getting Rich'.... both early 1900's... Then there was Abraham (channel) and the Law of Attraction and the Ram (channel) and 'What the Bleep do we know?'...

They all revolve around a science of positivity, of focused thought.

New thought, New Age... it is a blurry blend between Spiritual, Secular Humanist, Pagan thoughts and the like...

Like all religions/belief systems...(for me) there are parts which interest me and parts which go to far... now I'll look to find the movie ....
Interesting, I see freemasonry concepts in their too like when they talk of the laws of the universe to be so precise that you can send a rocket to he moon. I noticed there are a lot of concepts in the movie that can easily be dismissed but every concepts put forth is worthy of further thought to understand the message they are trying convey. Interestingly, much of these concepts are found in quotes of people that have made notable contributions to humanity. Thus, the argument is that these people possessed 'the secret' and was what inspired them to great achievements. However, correlation does not mean causation.