Out of the Mouths of Babes:

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
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Between Celestial Planes
"I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them unto babes." (Luke 10:21)

The Biblical passage above always comes to mind whenever I talk to my Grandnephew. He had learned to walk by 7 months, but didn't learn to talk until much later. When he did finally begin to speak he displayed a level of spirituality I have never encountered in one so young. His very first word was. 'Lady' uttered out of the blue upon seeing a picture of the Virgin Mary.

By the time he was 2 he seemed to have some kind of connection with the spirit world as my wife and I discovered when we took him on a trip to Fiji. One day as we were strolling along, he began looking back at the home of my wife's cousin and would laugh. I asked him what was so funny and he said, "Aunty." Thinking he was talking about my wife, I told him that Aunty was not there, but in the house we were going to next. He said, "No Uncle, the Aunty that died." Well, as it turns out, my wife's Aunt had passed away a few months prior to our visit. The house he was referring to belonged to her. Thing is, he didn't know her or where she lived. Nor did we ever tell him of her passing.

A couple years later my mother passed away. My Grandnephew was among those in attendance at her funeral. As the casket was lowered I attempted to explain to him what was going on and that his Granny was in the big blue box. He wouldn't hear of it. He said, "No Uncle, pointing up into a tree, Granny's sitting up there on that branch watching us."

Some time after that and before my Grandnephew had started attending school, the subject of the hereafter came up among the adults. My Grandnephew was in earshot of the conversation and cheerfully announced that he knew what happened after you die. Everyone sat quietly and awaited his explanation. He said, "After you die, your body goes in the ground and your mind gets divided up among the people that loved you when you were alive. Then, you use their eyes to see everything again." We all just sat there dumfounded with our mouths wide open.

Mind you, this is the same kid whom a few years later came up with the idea that God was like a pizza. The world is the crust, he would tell us, God is the sauce and the toppings are all the different religions.

His latest pearl of wisdom is the meaning of life, which at the age of 11, he has all figured out. Apparently, the meaning of life is all about getting it right. If you don't get it the first time, you've got to keep coming back until you do. Once you learn your lesson, you get to be with God and enjoy yourself without having to worry about anything.

So, I guess all of this could be open for discussion. I'd be happy to elaborate if anyone is interested. I would also enjoy hearing about anyone else's experiences with children and spirituality.

Do share....
My favorite reincarnation myth for myself is that life is like life as a child...you're parents will tell you you can't have any more toys till you learn to play with the ones you've got. So 'our father' has given us a nice big blue ball to live on, a lot of friends to run around with, and a meat suit to live in...and we will keep coming back until we've learned to take care of all three.... similar to your grandnephew...
He had learned to walk by 7 months, but didn't learn to talk until much later.
That is a bit early. My son took his 1st steps at about 9 or 10 months if memory serves. He was jabbering pretty well just a few months after that.
As the casket was lowered I attempted to explain to him what was going on and that his Granny was in the big blue box. He wouldn't hear of it. He said, "No Uncle, pointing up into a tree, Granny's sitting up there on that branch watching us."
Now that's one spooky kid right there!
Mind you, this is the same kid whom a few years later came up with the idea that God was like a pizza. The world is the crust, he would tell us, God is the sauce and the toppings are all the different religions.
I like that.
NJ, the tree story reminded me of how I picked up the soul who is now inhabiting a body this ego/mind calls his son. It was at the funeral, (he was a friend who died in a tragic accident) and he was sitting atop a tree laughing at the silliness of mourning. Just as I noticed him, the tree shook, (on a non-windy day). We had quite the two hour car ride back. As my wife hadn't attended the funeral, she felt him come into the house. Three short days later he entered her womb a few hours after conception, and our son was the result.
That is a bit early. My son took his 1st steps at about 9 or 10 months if memory serves.
The way my Grandnephew started walking is what's really spooky. Prior to taking his 1st steps he would often hold onto a foot stool, pull himself upright and stand there for several minutes. One day while doing this he reached up as high as he could as if holding someone's hand and walked across the room. This continued for several weeks. If anyone took his hand or moved it down, he'd just plop on the floor like he'd been dropped.
NJ, the tree story reminded me of how I picked up the soul who is now inhabiting a body this ego/mind calls his son.
That's a beautiful story. Since you brought it up, there is a bit more to my tree story.

According to a Hindu Sage I spoke to some years later in Fiji, my mother had achieved Moksha and broken the cycle of re-birth. During her funeral and while in transition her soul somehow attached itself to mine and accompanied my wife and I to Fiji 2 months later.

During that trip her soul detached itself again to complete it's transition, but before that could happen her soul asked to be reborn 1 more time in Fiji. The Sage went on to say that this was the plan all along, but since my mother's soul had achieved Moksha, rebirth was only possible upon request.

According to the Sage, my mother's soul now resides in the body of my wife's Grandniece who was born 9 months after we returned from Fiji that time.

I have some trouble comprehending this, but I must admit, there is enough physical evidence to support it. Birth marks, temperament and such. I also happen to have a photo of my mother taken when she was 9 months old. I have another of my wife's Grandniece taken at the same age. Everyone I've ever shown the photos to always says the same thing. She's so beautiful, how come one picture looks so much older than the other. Everyone is always shocked when I tell them, 1 was taken in 1920 and the other in 2006.
NJ, there is nothing unusual about this. In the mystic world this stuff is considered normal, and all the external intellectual arguing is what's strange. We know the past lives of all of our kids. It just is what it is. Knowing it doesn't make you a better person or work out karma for you, just as knowing the sun rises doesn't. But people who've lost their inherent mysticism due to years and generations of being told otherwise by rationalists and foreign ideas do think it's amazing now.
In the mystic world this stuff is considered normal, and all the external intellectual arguing is what's strange.

Much agreed. I don't think I've ever lost my sense of mysticism. My mother and I were always very matter of fact about such things. Still, at times I'm just in aw of what merely is.
My mom was (long since gone to a new body) particularly good at premonitions. Often she'd say something was going to happen and it would. I brought her to the temple here once as well. She asked more about Ganesha, and she was quite respectful to me in one-on-one especially. Of course most of the rest of my family had absolutely no idea what I was up to. You're doing what? lol

You're not going swimming in THAT river are you? (Ganges)
Boss and I usually get a good laugh after such encounters of poor understanding.
According to the Sage, my mother's soul now resides in the body of my wife's Grandniece who was born 9 months after we returned from Fiji that time.
"You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits"

Just having you on mate. Actually that's not unlike aboriginal beliefs. Of course with them your mother could have just as easily come back as a rock.
LOL... I can just picture this little boy standing in front of a broken window, "I didn't break it.... it was mom!"
Ha,ha,ha... I like that!
Everyone I've ever shown the photos to always says the same thing. She's so beautiful, how come one picture looks so much older than the other. Everyone is always shocked when I tell them, 1 was taken in 1920 and the other in 2006.
I've seen the pictures and still can't believe it's not the same person. Bloody amazing!
My mom was (long since gone to a new body) particularly good at premonitions. Often she'd say something was going to happen and it would.
My mom could do that as well. Her premonitions usually came to her in a dream. They were often quite vivid, but rather sporadic in occurrence.
With regard to reincarnation patterns within the same family, that's common. My grandfather is now my nephew, and one of our kids was formerly one of our parents. Mom is also a great-niece. Once you find a place you like, why move?
According to the Sage. Souls are sorted by group. In the case of my mom and I, he says that our souls had become separated from there group. Hence the need for me to marry someone from Fiji in order to reestablish that harmony.
Her premonitions usually came to her in a dream. They were often quite vivid, but rather sporadic.
Nana Gymea does that all the time. She's an Aboriginal lady that's been with our family nearly 50 years. Spooky how accurate she gets sometimes. Can't predict a winning dishlicker to save her neck though!
Wow, 50 years. Is Nana Gymea your the house keeper or something?
She was our Nanny. Practically raised my younger brother and me and our kids after that. She's in her 80's now and has long since retired, but still cooks and tidies a bit from time to time. She's a wonderful woman. Her family has worked our farm for generations.