God 's power and the "heavy stone"



God 's power and the "heavy stone"


The old paradox:

Can God make a stone so heavy that He can't lift it?

My opinion.


Why does God need to create such stone?

Is He a stupid One? No, He isn't stupid.

He took another solution.

Instead such "heavy stone" He decided to create billions and billions

"small" Galaxies with many – many planets with reasonable people

( even if some of them would ask the question above).


God can create the Universe only using physical-math laws.

And as a wise One He limited all physical-math parameters

in the Universe. These limitations show the God's power.

But a foolish doesn't know the God's laws of limitations and

ask the question above.


The concrete physical-math answer to the question about

the "heavy stone" God gave as " the Chandrasekhar limit":

" Chandrasekhar calculated that a cold star of more than about

one and a half times the mass of the sun, would not be able

to support itself against its own gravity. This mass is now

known as the Chandrasekhar limit."

/ page 38/

"However, when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1983,

it was, at least in part, for his early work on the limiting mass

of cold stars." /page39/


/ The theory of everything. Third lecture. By Stephen W. Hawking./


Once again: the limits of all physical laws and parameters show

the God's wisdom and Human's stupidity.


Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik Socratus

tis simply a rhetorical anthropomorphic question....

Hmm . . . it seems like you don't want to take God's limits
of "Human's stupidity" and try to escape the God's laws of limits.
Can God make a stone so heavy that He can't lift it?
Yes! I believe in a God which IS capable of taking risks making sacrifices and putting love and freedom before power and control.

I not only believe God CAN but that God DID. The creation of life with its inherent free will is the creation of such a stone.

Why does God need to create such stone?

Is He a stupid One? No, He isn't stupid.
Because He is smarter than stupid humans who think that power and control are everything.