Karmic Husk



"A young lady had been engaged to a man for 18-years, and their purported marriage was a constant source of arguments, a battle back and forth..She came to me for advice one day, why they could not be married? I said, "I rather you ask yourself this question and when and if you have the answer, you come back to me and I verify that, If I tell you now, you will accept it on an intellectual grounds and you would feel it was right or perhaps not, but like with deep esoteric matters, if you put it to the test, then it would come from within and then it is an experience and you'd KNOW first hand, not secondhand...
A few months later she was back and told me; "I know the reason...In a former life in Italy, I was Jewish and I was involved with a Roman. Now(in this life) he is Jewish and I am Catholic, and he has a complex of being Jewish and the whole idea of intermarriage just makes him worry.
In our former life I as a Jew lived in a Ghetto and there were strict laws against intermarriage (as a Roman your wealth was to taken away if they suspected any involvement) . But we secretly and in a hidden way managed and we even had a son together. Our mother wisely suggested we give our child to a relative to raise and the boy grew up with I pretending to be a nanny to be with him. The boys father died in a chariot race, and when he was sixteen, I revealed to him who I was (his birth-mother) and how he was a half Jew. But he got upset and threw me out and sent me back to the Ghetto. One day, I was knocked down on the town square by a horse and I broke my back. As I looked up, dying, in a flashback I saw the face of the man, my son, and he was the same man I am involved in this lifetime!

Then, I have realized that we cannot marry until we resolve this karmic entanglement somehow and release it. Marriage would not suffice. This is what the ancient wisdom call Karmic Husk and it is more common than many realize."
Upon resolving issues like this, the husk falls off and you can move forward.
If all this is the case.... then wouldn't there be a larger reason for the two souls to keep reuniting? (and now I am additionally assuming that the mother/son relationship were not the only encounters these two have had)

There can be many reasons why two people develop a karmic bond and reincarnate together, again and again, good reasons as well as bad reasons, big reasons as well as small reasons. And. yes, many continually-reincarnating-together people have many kinds of relationships, parent/child, sibling/sibling, husband/wife, etc. If you have a very strong bond with someone in this life, I am sure it is because you are merely continuing a strong bond you had with them in a previous incarnation together.
Like what? I am sure some cases are more global or historical but sometimes it is just interpersonal. We come across all sorts of people whom we had some relationship in a past life to some how lose the karmic husk and resolve issues.
Pushing away a mother is a betrayal and a karmic negative...which somehow must be resolved and even paid for....
If all this is the case.... then wouldn't there be a larger reason for the two souls to keep reuniting? (and now I am additionally assuming that the mother/son relationship were not the only encounters these two have had)
But she was the one pushed away....in the story she tried to take care of him it appears...so why would she choose to incarnate with him again unless it was more that just his issues?
When two people are locked together in a negative karmic bond, both people have to agree to end it. If either person wishes it to continue, it continues. It doesn't sound fair, but that is how it works.
Now is now, then was then. Attachment to the past is the root cause. So a soul has to drop it, although it's easier said than done.
Now is now... all this contemplation is made all the more interesting with time as a man made construct and everything happening at once..
I do not think it is our choosing EVER, reincarnation happens as the Lord of Karma see it would happen according to the great Matrix (the Akashic records). Anyway to answer the question; it is a Husk, need to fall off...somehow to be resolved....
But she was the one pushed away....in the story she tried to take care of him it appears...so why would she choose to incarnate with him again unless it was more that just his issues?
I think we can do anything we want to do, within the limitations of our (bad) karma. I think the conditions of our next incarnation are decided upon as a result of negotiations between ourselves and the "Lords of Karma". They give a little bit of freedom and responsibility in one incarnation. If we do a good job, they will give a little more freedom and responsibility the next incarnation. On and on it goes, in ever-increasing levels of freedom and responsibility. And if we "fall off the wagon", they give us ways to get back on the Path.
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I do not think it is our choosing EVER, reincarnation happens as the Lord of Karma see it would happen according to the great Matrix (the Akashic records). Anyway to answer the question; it is a Husk, need to fall off...somehow to be resolved....
Ever? Do you believe we can't make decisions in this life? complete predestination? or if we can make decisions in this life....why would we not be able to between lives?
Choosing ones next life is the figment of the imagination of Hollywood and wishful thinking of 'new agers' and novices alike. Just my 2 cents. You can believe in whatever you chose, I state my own.....anyway...
:) Do you think it is easy to be me???? Do you really think I chose life this for myself?
I'm currently working on choosing my next life. The word is that whatever you're thinking at at the point of death is an important factor.
The word is that a person's "judgement" occurs instantaneously, at the moment of death, which is why thoughts at such a moment are so important.