Samana Johann

Samana Johann

(Not a member, just a guest)
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(currently in) Cambodia
My person has taken an account in trust, that it is welcome.

Let it be known, without hesitation, if not and may you pardon such.

Maybe its possible to share some useful answers to questions here.
Althought the question could be interprated and had an specific intention, Wil, its maye better to ask of what Wil actually likes to ask.
And there is no such as "Namaste and welcome...". Either there is "Namaste and welcome" which is a very skillful action or "..."

But let it be up to Wil, investigate things coming up and lead to actions.

Your avatar shows "Staff Member". May my person ask what "Staff" here means? Does he act and serve on behave? And on whoms?

It would be good to get known the owner of this place as well. Could Steve arrange such?

Your avatar shows "Staff Member". May my person ask what "Staff" here means? Does he act and serve on behave? And on whoms?

It would be good to get known the owner of this place as well. Could Steve arrange such?
Steve owns and runs the place, he is the guy to ask.
Steve owns and runs the place, he is the guy to ask.
Yes, as Tea said, I'm the guy in charge here. If you'd like to talk more and to get to know me better, feel free to send me a private message or read my posts in the Introductions thread.
Have you created an introduction?

I am wil, have not the pleasure of fully meeting you or your person.

Yes Wil. My person posted you question right here in the Introduction.

My person is called after the given name Johann, after others are informed about this. But you can call me how ever you like and feel that it is proper.

Its not and never possible of fully meeting a person or a me. Even for one self, how really knows one self, if asking "Who am I". How ever, Atma(n) (kind word, Pali language, meaning "I" or "I-ness", to address the own person, in third person, when speaking with lay people) assumes that Wil "desires" to know who this Samana (recluse) Johann is, or better how such come to be.

Since the level of asking and answering, can reach from very short but most correct "the result of my actions" till very conventional like formal personal datas and even to books or episodes, its maybe good to simply ask: "What does Wil like to know about my person? Ask or request what ever you like, what ever question may come to mind.

The way Wil or others would recognice my person, is up to Wils or others past and present actions. Questioning is of course a good way to do not take certain preoccopations one has for to real.

So how does my person appear for you? If there are assumings or "dangers" to misinterpretate, always good to ask before doing (e.g. thinking, verbalicing, or physical acting) something one might have not done, knowing this and that.

(My person would like to provide a useful, aniccent Dhamma Talk on this topic generally: Paṭisalla Sutta: Seclusion)
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In the try, not to nurish a maybe good discussion here in instruction, Atma likes to ask Wil: "What do you really like to ask, or what does Wil seemingly disturb, since Atmas introduction?"

So what does Wil like to know about my person or Atmas way of speech and actions, or maybe even ways of thoughts, if he likes, which is still assumed onto the question "Have you created an introduction?".

So really nothing to hesitate.

For the case Wil likes to figure out more about Atmas ways of thinking, which is good to know of others, and this is the way to get good introduced (actually the whole forum is good to figure such out and has a good topic to provide an enviroment for such), in short:

"If I met your person and said hello...would you answer or your person?"
Do/Could you meet a person, or me?
"An answer answers." There is Form (Object of the eye), Contact, Feeling, perception/rememberance, formation/will/though, recognition/conciousness. No inherent person, being or lasting soul can be found.

"What differentiates the two?"
On conventional level, the view or point of stand. Direct or indirect approached. On an perfecter level, non, both are conventional expression denoting the five clinging aggregats.

"Why do you need a person, and why does your person need you?"

Answering in "Zen": who needs?
But to do not throw out the baby with the bathwater: One, desiring for becoming and being or not becoming, not being, needs to define himself, in what ever way. It is not knowing, that people "need"/desire a person, for the person there is no need at all. At one point, one can take it on or leave it untaken, what ever the situation might effort.

That is suggestion actually a good question, that can lead to high insight:

Are you the owner of you eye, our is the eye the owner of you? Who follows whom?

Are you the ownee of you ears, ... nose... thong... body... ?

Are you the owner of your thoughts, our are the thoughts the owner of you? Who follows whom?

In this reverence, what part of you recognition of mine would be actually me or you?
Yes, as Tea said, I'm the guy in charge here. If you'd like to talk more and to get to know me better, feel free to send me a private message or read my posts in the Introductions thread.
Steve, previous tought that it is merely a personal privat undertaking here, Atma looked around and found that is seemingly an organisation with stuff and so on (About). So when spoken of "in charge" does not actually mean like Tea said "owner", or how should my person understand the case.
Steve, previous tought that it is merely a personal privat undertaking here, Atma looked around and found that is seemingly an organisation with stuff and so on (About). So when spoken of "in charge" does not actually mean like Tea said "owner", or how should my person understand the case.
The forum is privately "owned" by me. The larger organization remains in the hands of the previous forum owner and he employs the staff. I believe in his mission, which is why the About section continues to reflect his contact information and the staff members who work on the content library and news articles.
Thanks, Steve for making that clear since after reading you conversation Atma also saw that Steve told Tea that he is a new Stuffmember.

After all he is lighten knowing to be welcome by the owner and not using anything of others maybe not welcome.

In that case, not really knowing needed details, Atma thinks that he would be able to offer some maybe lasting space he is been given, or takes care for the Sangha on the package, if such would be helpful.
Its based on an German ecu-server. The amount of storege is presently used to 70% (incl. a safty copy= actually 35%) and traffic is used to about 10%.

How much space and traffic does the page need?

Sadhu (excellent) in regard of your generosity and mudita (sympatic joy with your good deeds).
Could not post or contact you, Steve, for a week. Tried it via "Report" as well, which seemed to work, but not sure whom acually receives those messages.

Anyway. Since before, Atma just liked to inform you to leave. The offers, as far as useful, are still up right as well as a try to put help into solving the host issue. Steve may contact my person via email: or in the online monastery he and of couse all others are welcome to make use of its possibilities. (Don't worry, it actuall does not have to do much with folk religion or other means of identification)

Sadhu for hostility and all generosities.
Keep up you good undertakings, increase, devolp and amass what is skilful and decrease, bound and reject of what is unskilful, inprove and clean you mind be taking you time to renounce from all from time to time.

Ayu (long life) vanno (beauty/honor) sukha (pleasur/welbeing) bala (strength/arosen effort)
Just came across a short "talk" my person wrote, in the time he was not able to post and contact .

It was mainly on reflecting Steves situation, but it's for sure also interesting for other who are on a real search for an alternative to age, sickness and death.

Depts, but to whom?

(And of course, Steve and also all others are always welcome to do - what ever good inspiration is driving forward - in the online monastery
Still confused about the disembodied poster who post for his person and alms begging forest monk who runs his own forum....

The one who seeks ulterior motives of those running and wanting interfaith dialogue...

Do you come here to discuss, teach, pontificate? How is our little forum more intriguing then your own or the others you are in?

Do you find a "wil", in other forums as well?
One dwells a time, when welcome, gives what possible to give and walk on when conditions would cause stuggle, for one self and for others.

Atma does not possess a dwelling, neither here in internet nor outward in the physical world.

If asking about . That is a given place to dwell, by lay people for "beggars" (not my persons forum ) and all others who are willing to substain on what is given, and inspired to give and make merits, my person tries to develope with what is needed, useful. Thats it.

If asking "Do you come here to discuss, teach, pontificate?". There is on talent that Atma does not possess for sure, the skill of speech or writing and put words in a manner that they are general pleasant to take. Aside: what ever seems useful to share.

Not much to no motives in the world, no possessions, no bounds.

There are no places which are intriguing my person. If dwelling on a place a longer, it has to do with peolple of faith and integrity. If places are empty of such, even outwardly conditions are suppotive, there is no way to stay.

Not sure about the question "Do you find a "wil", in other forums as well?". If asking if there are people wondering, sure. If asking if meeting people with Avatar-name Wil, sure. If asking if meeting people start to ask rather than assume, seldom.

Feel free to ask Wil, my person has no secrets or things to hide. And its seldom to meet such a beggar in this world, so one will not really know much about it even if possible to read.

(The body is not the Self, Wil)