Have you created an introduction?
I am wil, have not the pleasure of fully meeting you or your person.
Yes Wil. My person posted you question right here in the Introduction.
My person is called after the given name Johann, after others are informed about this. But you can call me how ever you like and feel that it is proper.
Its not and never possible of fully meeting a person or a me. Even for one self, how really knows one self, if asking "Who am I". How ever, Atma(n) (kind word, Pali language, meaning "I" or "I-ness", to address the own person, in third person, when speaking with lay people) assumes that Wil "desires" to know who this Samana (recluse) Johann is, or better how such come to be.
Since the level of asking and answering, can reach from very short but most correct "the result of my actions" till very conventional like formal personal datas and even to books or episodes, its maybe good to simply ask: "What does Wil like to know about my person? Ask or request what ever you like, what ever question may come to mind.
The way Wil or others would recognice my person, is up to Wils or others past and present actions. Questioning is of course a good way to do not take certain preoccopations one has for to real.
So how does my person appear for you? If there are assumings or "dangers" to misinterpretate, always good to ask before doing (e.g. thinking, verbalicing, or physical acting) something one might have not done, knowing this and that.
(My person would like to provide a useful, aniccent Dhamma Talk on this topic generally:
Paṭisalla Sutta: Seclusion)