Maha Ghosananda

Samana Johann

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(currently in) Cambodia
Since you here "love" such lables as "peace" and "interfaith", my person thought of letting you getting known a kind of symbol for this words:

Maha Ghosananda, a tiny Cambodian monk (of course more a wordling and not a perfect disciple of the Buddha) but he might be able to inspire some of you in the right direction.

My person once transcripted his famous book "Step by Step" and shared it, maybe you'd like to give it a read. (Have to look if still having a file):

Today we tend to make things complicated and easy get lost in right and wrong. There was a special Cambodian Beggar how did not talked much and used to put the Buddha Dharma into action. Less of his words are caught in letters and the less books he made for his people contain the remembrance that body and also names will disappear.
He remembers us to look to the only resource we can find peace and truth, the palace where Dharma is visible: It is our own heart.
May those words, make us attached to our hearts, and regarding the wish of MahaGhosananda, not to persons and names.



(Please keep in mind that not all of this book is right translated and right understood by the author and also in reagard of Maha Ghosanandas expressions, not all interpret the Buddha correct)
Ven. Santidhammo wrote a small bio about Ven. Maha Ghosananda and published also a pdf of it on his page:

A story of "accident" we once met years ago in a Monastery in Phnom Penh. He was just in Cambodia to share and intoduce his booklet and my person and fellow had just stayed some nights there, coming from a 800 km walk to and from the war front in the north.

Mostly when theory and practice meets each other, theory does not get much "satisfaction" out of it. Only sometimes theory feels inspired enough to really look after that it thinks and assumes about.

So let it be more then just theory and be a motivation to leave comfort-zone for you, to leave the palace and to take a real look for you self of what life is really about.