I just can't do this.
This is to hard...
These are affirmations.... Not positive ones, not beneficial ones.
Affirming a negative cements you into that negative belief.
Unity thought on affirmations...
We prefer affirmative prayer, not beseeching prayer... Also denials are part of a process to.change.. The killing off of the old self, old doubt, old.self doubt and affirming a new tomorrow...
I'd be interested in folks of.other faiths and denominations views on belief in changing your mind, attitude, thoughts and affecting your present and future by doing so.
"I die daily" ....Paul
An acorn has to die to become an oak tree...
This is to hard...
These are affirmations.... Not positive ones, not beneficial ones.
Affirming a negative cements you into that negative belief.
Unity thought on affirmations...
We prefer affirmative prayer, not beseeching prayer... Also denials are part of a process to.change.. The killing off of the old self, old doubt, old.self doubt and affirming a new tomorrow...
I'd be interested in folks of.other faiths and denominations views on belief in changing your mind, attitude, thoughts and affecting your present and future by doing so.
"I die daily" ....Paul
An acorn has to die to become an oak tree...