The man from Edom


The reader

Isaiah 63:1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.

63:2 Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat?

63:3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.

63:4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

If you didn’t know Edom is destroyed before Isaiah ever wrote this prophecy so who is he referring to? He is referring to the symbolic Edom. Who is the symbolic Edom? To answer this question we must know who Edom was. Edom was a kingdom founded by Esau, Israel’s brother. Knowing this we can pretty well know who symbolic Edom is. It’s a brother-like nation. Now you tell me who you think symbolic Edom is?

Me thinks you have a lesson and answer in mind.

You are not posing a theory, presenting your thesis for.discussion...but setting folks up like some sadistic elementary school teacher getting her jollies by saying "no Johnny you are wrong, you obviously did not read the lesson, nor listen to what i said...."

Start out with.,. "I believe the US is Edom and here is why....edom was destroyed in (link to fact)...the prophecy was written in (link to fact)... And I surmise from my interp that...."

This is the start of a discussion and not a Sunday school.lesson...

While i have not hired you as a teacher you may smack my knuckles with your ruler if I have misinterpreted the nature if your post.

Me thinks you have a lesson and answer in mind.

You are not posing a theory, presenting your thesis for.discussion...but setting folks up like some sadistic elementary school teacher getting her jollies by saying "no Johnny you are wrong, you obviously did not read the lesson, nor listen to what i said...."

Start out with.,. "I believe the US is Edom and here is why....edom was destroyed in (link to fact)...the prophecy was written in (link to fact)... And I surmise from my interp that...."

This is the start of a discussion and not a Sunday school.lesson...

While i have not hired you as a teacher you may smack my knuckles with your ruler if I have misinterpreted the nature if your post.[/QUOT
Wil, I’m proud of you. You got it right on the first shot. Yes , there is a lesson to be learned from all I say wether you want to hear it. This is the prelude to Revelation 8. The first four trumpets is for us the US. Everything that is going to happen people will say “Oh that’s just Mother Nature when it’s really the heavy hand of God’s judgement falling on the US.
Yes , there is a lesson to be learned from all I say wether you want to hear it.
Hi reader!
This is what most of us find condescending. We consider ourselves equal, we don't come to sit at the feet someone who thinks they know better than us. You can do what you want, but I just want to you to understand that this board will be...resistant to these sort of posts.
Still, best of luck to you.
Hi reader!
This is what most of us find condescending. We consider ourselves equal, we don't come to sit at the feet someone who thinks they know better than us. You can do what you want, but I just want to you to understand that this board will be...resistant to these sort of posts.
Still, best of luck to you.
Hi, cup of tea, I was speaking of my self as well. The Bible convicts even the least of us but now I know why all the hostilities. I thought this board would be interested another view point. If I’m wrong I’ll remove myself from this board.
I thought this board would be interested another view point.
Not a thing wrong with presenting another point of view. It's when you present that point of view as if you possess some great irrefutable knowledge the rest of us lack that you run amiss here. Not your intention perhaps, but that's how you're coming off.
The concept of right or wrong doesn't even have a chance to enter the equation if you alienate your audience prior to making the assertion.
Have I not been right in aa points?
Carrying a little farther what NJ said, this is not the place to try to prove yourself right. You can certainly present your position and defend it and engage in a dialogue. But interfaith doesn't have room for trying to prove one religion is correct (or even one's interpretation of a religion is correct) through the refutation and 'wrongness' of another's interpretation or religion.

Basically, the best way I can sum up what this forum is about is appreciating all the gray in between the bookends of black and white. In that gray area we can actually have meaningful interfaith exchanges. We don't all have to agree, but we do need to give others the same courtesy we would want ourselves.
Hi, cup of tea, I was speaking of my self as well. The Bible convicts even the least of us but now I know why all the hostilities. I thought this board would be interested another view point. If I’m wrong I’ll remove myself from this board.
No one is asking you to leave, and I'm sorry you feel we are being hostile. Knowing all the people here I feel they have tried to express why it's hard for us to engage with you. This is us, this is how we do things here, it is the nature of the community here. We all want new blood and we all hunger for new stimulating topics. But we talk to each other as though we are all on a path, not as though we have infallible knowledge to share.

Just a fair warning, some people will disagree with you no matter how reasonable your arguments are. We just share here, no more or less.
Issues aside ...
Knowing this we can pretty well know who symbolic Edom is. It’s a brother-like nation. Now you tell me who you think symbolic Edom is?
Haven't you answered your own question ...

There's plenty of stuff on the history of Edom here