Comments on Code of Conduct

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
Veteran Member
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Between Celestial Planes
Glad to see this in it's own section. Hopefully, folks will now take the time to read it. Especially newcomers. Nudge, nudge, hint, hint...;)
4. Please moderate your language and avoid swearing and expletives.
I could have sworn this was a new thing because I never saw it enforced by Brian, but I see that Steve never edited it.
Just to let you know I've revised the "Code of Conduct", to try and help make the forums feel more free and open. :)
All of these rules I have in my view kept to the letter but if I have faltered in any way it was not my intent. I was a used of proselytizing of which all I was telling your members not to just read their bibles but to slow down and study it for even the Bible says study to show yourself approved. Lord bless The reader.
There is the literal letter of, and then the intent...

Do onto others, its a thing.
How Can I get to where I belong on this forum so I can’t be in the wrong when I make a statement of truth? Help me. I know my way around the Bible but here I’m lost. I don’t intend to make people upset, I just seem to step into it.
How Can I get to where I belong on this forum so I can’t be in the wrong when I make a statement of truth?
That's just it. You are presenting your interpretation of Abrahamic scripture as the only valid truth. Intentional or not, that comes off as very condescending. This is an interfaith forum. Lots of different perspectives, religions and viewpoints here. Not everyone adheres to the Abrahamic idea of God and the ones that do don't come here to be preached to. We're all adults here with our own thoughts and opinions.

Nothing wrong with offering up new ideas for discussion, but presenting them as the absolute truth is where you get into trouble. That's especially true for new members. Start slow. Help people get to know you by commenting of existing posts and pointing out how your opinion may differ. Don't get discouraged if your ideas are not well received at first. It takes a while. Being Interfaith, butting heads from time to time is inevitable. Roll with the punches, take a deep breath or try a different approach. Just avoid coming off like you're right and everyone else is wrong. ;)
Help me. I know my way around the Bible but here I’m lost. I don’t intend to make people upset, I just seem to step into it.
no worries... It is a learning curve.

For starters, this is interfaith... The bible is a sacred book to you,.your interp is the truth to you...if you can't accept the NT means very little to non Christians... Are you ready to open up to the fact that the Quran or Gita, Te of Piglet is truth to others?

If.not...maybe the Christian section is where you should hang.
There is the literal letter of, and then the intent...

Do onto others, its a thing.
I don’t say I’m the only one right but as far as the KJV Bible is concerned I use every scripture to prove what I am trying to say. If people don’t like what I say why don’t they just go to another thread or prove me wrong as some have already tried. It’s not that I’m right all the time but I study a lot and I know what the scriptures say. I leave it. Up to you but at least email me and let me know your decision.
Using scripture to prove scripture is by definition circular reasoning.

Of.course, you knew that.
Wil, this is one time I have to disagree with you. If you use all scripture to prove all scripture then you can come out with the correct answer but if you a partial amount which is one sided then your answer will be in correct.
Here is a situation, Wil, where there’s a guy running for office two guys are voting for him and the rest are not because they know he’s not right for the office. Now toe two guys are paying big bucks to keep the rest a way. Who do you think will win that office?
A new home for comments on the code of conduct.
What happened to the dragon? Seems like posts are missing. Did they say something outrages while I was away or was it just more of the same?
What happened to the dragon? Seems like posts are missing. Did they say something outrages while I was away or was it just more of the same?
I’ve restored a few of his posts to help other’s replies make sense. One post about needing to kill humans will remain deleted though. The school shooting in Florida, where one of my students transferred from last year!, is too much in my mind to unban the dragon.
I did not see this post you speak of but the same style was used by the shooter. Can you report the offensive post and his info for an investigation?
I’ve restored a few of his posts to help other’s replies make sense. One post about needing to kill humans will remain deleted though. The school shooting in Florida, where one of my students transferred from last year!, is too much in my mind to unban the dragon.

Ah, yes.

I haven't been reading much of the dragon's posts but I have kept up with the school shooting (I think that I posted about that in Media in case you're interested.) I also have several tabs open with :kitty:s being :kitty:s (which I highly recommend you do for an extended period.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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