Death of Christianity in the US


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a figment of your imagination
This is what Thomas and I have been going round and round about for a decade?

Of course we both have our opinions, as does the author.

But for me the salt lost its flavor long ago...the religious right and their definitions of Christianity is what drove me away as a child. What brought me back was a deeper understanding of the book and the thought...and all in the past 50 years the Evangelicals have been pushing their agenda harder and now have come up against it with the political leaders they are backing.
This is what Thomas and I have been going round and round about for a decade?

What I would argue is the 'death of Christianity' as if the only Christianity there is, is evangelical.
I agree, although I am not the author of the article and just as the general Muslim public denounced radical Islam that foments violence, we need to denounce the portions of our belief system that support racism, misogyny and hate as well.
Ok all of you have finally realized if the two if us join forces we will rule the world! Muahahahua

But neither of us cares for that, I'd rather play in the mud trying to make cake and Thomas would rather sit In the announcer's booth reviewing tried and true recipes and chuckle at my efforts...
Now the children are out of the way ...

Have you ever come across Orthodox Christians in your travels?

They number between 3-6 million, apparently, and according to wiki are among the wealthiest Christian denominations in the United States, better educated than most other religious groups with a high number of graduate (68%) and post-graduate degrees (28%) per capita.

I would have thought there would be more. (The wedding in The Deer Hunter was Russian Orthodox ... but they were from working class Pennsylvania)

Personally I am always drawn eastwards — I'm probably a lot closer to Orthodox theology than Roman. My go-to sources are Greek, and the only westerners I go for are the Christian Platonist types.
Yes. Greek Orthodox and Russian...only know Russians now... But of the half dozen or so I know, they are all socially religious

Reading up on evangelicals I was surprised at the variety... In every denomination and most notably the inroads into Catholicism in the Americas... Going strong here in the states and growing faster in South America
Hmmm —

From Catholic to Evangelical sound like on the way out the door to me :D ...
Hmmm —

From Catholic to Evangelical sound like on the way out the door to me :D ...
From our discussions ... me too. But Evangelical seems to be a hard thing to put in a box....crosses many denominations... the main thing is literalism?

As a kid I thought evangelicals were those who evangelized....JW, Baptist, AME, Mormon...