Free will.



now that science has proven free will is an illusion,will this be the key stone that brings religion down,?how can someone be judged if no free will?
now that science has proven free will is an illusion,will this be the key stone that brings religion down,?how can someone be judged if no free will?

We still have freewill just not libertarian freewill. We act according to our nature and since our nature is carnal we act in accordance with it.

- Aetius
We still have freewill just not libertarian freewill. We act according to our nature and since our nature is carnal we act in accordance with it.

- Aetius
isnt free will part of the seperate self construct(illusion)?
Science has proven?
there was a bbc program a guy was put in a MRI OR CT scanner and he was asked to make choices and they knew what choices he was going to make about four seconds before he actualy chose,and when he said i changed my mind they said we made you do that.
I believe they are discussing free will...and doing experimentation we have read about. I see no scientific conclusion that free will does not exist.

In your that program...his mind had been made up 4 seconds before he activated a choice. If free will didn't exist and they were asking him to pick A or B, they should be able to tell us which he would pick, prior to him knowing what A or B were. Just because the scan sees the brain activity and the choice he made before he acted on it means nothing to me. But if you can know how they do with science...a peer reviewed experiment that proves this, and then another experiment with another team, triple blind that validates it... I'd like to read the link.
We make our choice before we are aware of it. It seems to me that the time in between is when we try to rationalize the choice we have made to fit either what is expected of us or what we expect from our self.
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what about the fact that we arn't creating any of the impulses in our brains
No? Who is? Who just wrote that post? You couldn't help but respond that way eh? You are just a puppet with someone pulling the strings on your knuckles above the keyboard?
he is saying that we aren't creating the impulses...that we have no free will...

So rapists, serial killers. and despot leaders should just be it isn't them...
now that science has proven free will is an illusion,will this be the key stone that brings religion down,?how can someone be judged if no free will?
No, because:
a) it's not quite as simple as you assume, and
b) science believes religion is 'hard-wired' in the brain, in that it's inevitable in a self-reflective consciousness, and
c) science also believes religion will still be there when science is exhausted.
(according to New Scientist)
Every time I read 'science as done this' or 'believes that' I shudder a little.
Every time I read 'science has done this' or 'believes that' I shudder a little.
the drone world is about to explode...planting millions of trees...flying around our homes and neighborhoods as security... we saw what 1200 can do at the olympics.. they will be replacing fireworks shows... and soldiers in the battle field of wealthy nations... poorer causes will use them to replace suicide bombers... science has done this and the changes in the next decade will cause many of us to shudder.
the drone world is about to explode...planting millions of trees...flying around our homes and neighborhoods as security... we saw what 1200 can do at the olympics.. they will be replacing fireworks shows... and soldiers in the battle field of wealthy nations... poorer causes will use them to replace suicide bombers... science has done this and the changes in the next decade will cause many of us to shudder.
My pet peeve is that science is a system of thought and inquiry, it's not doing anything. By following certain principles people have developed our understanding of the world.
I believe they are discussing free will...and doing experimentation we have read about. I see no scientific conclusion that free will does not exist.

In your that program...his mind had been made up 4 seconds before he activated a choice. If free will didn't exist and they were asking him to pick A or B, they should be able to tell us which he would pick, prior to him knowing what A or B were. Just because the scan sees the brain activity and the choice he made before he acted on it means nothing to me. But if you can know how they do with science...a peer reviewed experiment that proves this, and then another experiment with another team, triple blind that validates it... I'd like to read the link.
he is saying that we aren't creating the impulses...that we have no free will...

So rapists, serial killers. and despot leaders should just be it isn't them...
he is saying that we aren't creating the impulses...that we have no free will...

So rapists, serial killers. and despot leaders should just be it isn't them...
1.yes but wev.e created laws to protect society
regarding free will.They did tell us what he picked prior to him chooseing
the seperate self thinks it has free will
My pet peeve is that science is a system of thought and inquiry, it's not doing anything. By following certain principles people have developed our understanding of the world.
Well that didn't work...If I could edit, I would or delete...

But...that always makes me think....guns don't kill people.

Sometimes science makes awful things possible which would have ben impossible if no one followed the line of inquiry.