How does your garden grow?


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a figment of your imagination
I've not got a lot in this year...been lazy. I am a pro crastinator..none of that amateur stuff.

tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers is all...gonna get some fall leafy stuff in....and maybe more, would love to have a good size nasturtium patch that is easy...oh and did get a little basil in.

How about you? Garden any?
The above is the material side of the thread, there should also be a metaphorical contemplative know digging a little deeper, tilling the earth, some reaping what you sow though from the crowd of pro crastinators...

Composting...While me loves to make fresh bread and then add peppers, onions, tomatoes and basil from the garden and eat the mess over the sink so I only have the chopping board and a knife to clean... I think composting is still my biggest thrill... cutting weeds and pruning and tossing them in a bin...turning it and watching it and adding more...admiring the heat created and the mold and the bugs...and eventually the worms and sifting out clean, dark, moist soil... making earth... wierd...I can't eat it...but making earth is something else. Rich soil, which contains its own fertilizer, soil which will help future growth... I like making it...and hope to be that as I age...fertilizer for future growth... I don't wish to be the fruit...but the dirt.
How about you? Garden any?
Little bit...
If a combine separates the wheat from the chaff, it seems there is a kernel of truth that that be an oxymoron?

The grass must die to harvest the grain, the grain must die to produce more grain, and then you must grate grain finely for flour but long after the flower.

I grind a groat and take my oat milk with a grain of salt.
stateside we call that a farm by the way... a garden is a small plot one uses mostly for personal and family consumption...

I assume there are more than a few gardens on your farm? Or is that a community effort?
The grass must die to harvest the grain, the grain must die to produce more grain, and then you must grate grain finely for flour but long after the flower.
Circle of life. Most of our barley's used for beer, wine and alcohol production. The rest, foodstuffs and next year's seed. Discards feed stock in our charge. Fertilizer they provide gets tilled into the soil and the whole process starts anew.

When I were a lad, my brother a toddler, dad took us out to the main field. As far as the eye could see, nothing but lush green barley sprouts. With a tear in his eye he said, "Boys, you get no closer to God than this. We sustain the earth, the earth's yield sustains us."

a garden is a small plot one uses mostly for personal and family consumption... I assume there are more than a few gardens on your farm?
Depends who you ask and what you consider small. My dad use to say a farm is a big garden, a garden a small farm. Lots of mouths to feed here. Our table garden occupies a couple hectares. So, I guess you'd have to make the division, profit vs sustenance for us.
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