Rumors of my demise

Thanks for the update, wil. I hope that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible!
Deep breath, aortic recession end of August, 8 hours surgery, 110 units of blood, Docs called family twice to say they didn't think I was going to make it open heart surgery left open for days trying to figure out problem last ditch effort found another leak. I ripped out feeding tubes IV lines, they put mittens on me and tied me to the bed hands and foot hallucinations from all of the drugs and now I'm on the road to recovery. Had three or four strokes still fighting eyesight coordination and memory issues. All started with me taking out the garbage, then coming in and telling my housemate something is wrong call an ambulance and collapsing on the floor halfway through the door. Over a month in, looks like I'll be going to my mother's house for more recovery and therapy for a few more weeks

I got incredibly lucky, think twice before taking out the garbage
With induced Comas and memory loss I was 2 weeks in before I knew anything happened. Still working after using it all together. I can't recall my last memory before it happened for my first memory after it happened weird. My kids my family my friends have all been amazing Troopers and support, truly blessed.
Rebuilding lost muscle mass from being bedridden for a month, reminds me of when I was a kid watching the astronauts come back from space and how weak they were. They had to figure out at it exercising and space without gravity. I am now working with one or two pound weights and it's wearing me out, weird
Hang in there, Wil. We need you here. Its a time to retreat within family concern and support. So good that you can spend a few weeks recovery time with your mother. Who better? But do keep in touch, please ...
Stay this side of the daisies as long as possible, okay? :kitty:s demand that from you! *multiple :kitty: claws are unsheathed, ready for a slash fest on tender human flesh, some :kitty:s grooming themselves with wicked gleams in their eyes*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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I was also wondering what happened to you... Wishing you a speedy recovery, we missed you around here. Still plenty of things to discuss and talk about.
My eyesight is bad from The Strokes I'm using speech to text to post. I think I'll have to wait till my eyesight's improves 2 work work work with longer posts
Good thing you’ve always liked short posts :)

But seriously, a speedy recovery wish and we’re happy to have you chime in with whatever you’re capable of contributing.
I read about people having life death experiences I'm getting more religious, more involved in their religion. Currently for me to go to the opposite I got no interest in arguing beliefs. I'm comfortable where I am, and I hope you are comfortable Where You Are.
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Reading...had to attend a funeral, not mine. A young friend in her 20s, one of the top three largest funerals I've attended in my life.

I was amazed at the range of emotion and comments from folks who barely knew her, had only met her once or twice. And amazed at my lack of same. Been contemplating that, my comfort level of death simply being part of life, essential bookends.

I've lived a full life, I'd love to stick around and see flying ubers and cancer cures, but oh well... When someone young dies I am upset they didn't have more life experiences, but then maybe they avoided rough life experiences.

She meant a lot to my community, and by the turnout it was apparent she meant a lot to other communities as well. Hundreds of folks packed in pews, hundreds more standing shoulder to shoulder wherever they could and out the door into freezing weather for the catholic mass. A couple hundred turned away and waiting in the reception hall.

It was a moving experience...and then I think of immigrant children dying at the border separated from their families, buried with no one mourning. And millions more around the world...
Reading...had to attend a funeral, not mine. A young friend in her 20s, one of the top three largest funerals I've attended in my life.

I was amazed at the range of emotion and comments from folks who barely knew her, had only met her once or twice. And amazed at my lack of same. Been contemplating that, my comfort level of death simply being part of life, essential bookends.

I've lived a full life, I'd love to stick around and see flying ubers and cancer cures, but oh well... When someone young dies I am upset they didn't have more life experiences, but then maybe they avoided rough life experiences.

She meant a lot to my community, and by the turnout it was apparent she meant a lot to other communities as well. Hundreds of folks packed in pews, hundreds more standing shoulder to shoulder wherever they could and out the door into freezing weather for the catholic mass. A couple hundred turned away and waiting in the reception hall.

It was a moving experience...and then I think of immigrant children dying at the border separated from their families, buried with no one mourning. And millions more around the world...
Very well, you are excused Sir, for setting us off worrying ... :)
Second open heart recovery is a lot faster, planned vs emergent, big difference.

3 trips back to Hosp since, but still beats last round.

Odds of living longer increases every day. They no longer shrug their shoulders, not a ticking time bomb any more. Years are now likely, it is a weird change once you've accepted the former.