obsessive religious behavior


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Have you noticed some people become obsessive about their religious practices? I know someone who is completely tranced out chanting as an Amma devotee; and another person who is so into her Jewish renewal movement (Romemu) that she goes almost every day. Both of these people are "new age" and supposedly open to interfaith spirituality. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I think this is too much of a muchness. Any opinions?
Both of these people are "new age" and supposedly open to interfaith spirituality. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I think this is too much of a muchness. Any opinions?

I go to work almost every day. If I skip a day I get very uncomfortable and have to have a good excuse. It interferes with many other activities I like to do... we have this weird power structure with a couple of "bosses" at the top and a rank of intermediaries between the common workers and the bosses. There is also power play involving money, and women are disadvantaged. But I function well enough for people not to be overly concerned.

There's folks obsessed with religion and as witnessed on IO from time to time, there's also folks obsessed with discounting religion.

Did a photo essay of India several years back and ran across this bloke with both arms folded over his head. Some locals were feeding him by the side of the road as he couldn't do it for himself. I thought he was born that way or something, but the villagers told us he'd voluntarily put his arms up over his head more than 20 years ago as a gesture of devotion and they were now fixed in place! Folks seemed quite enamored with him. Obsession for some, devotion for another.