

Big Love! (Atheist mystic)
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Do dreams play a role in your spiritual or religious life?

If so, how?
Do dreams play a role in your spiritual or religious life?

If so, how?
Yes, sometimes and maybe. That is, yes I've had dreams that influenced me spiritually, sometimes quite vivid and maybe there was more to it than just what I'd had to eat before going to bed.

One dream in particular that comes to mind is when I was building our Mandir. Excavation was complete and the blue stone for the foundation bed had been delivered, but I'd been dragging my feet getting it in place. One night I dream of Krishna as a child who tells me not to forget to bless the ground before I begin construction. He then motions behind him and Shiva appears with hands poised in prayer. Shiva then opens his hands and cupped in the middle is the entire area I had excavated. I mean, dirt is spilling from between his fingers, there's roots hanging down, all very surreal. Thing is, the blue stone was already in place.

So there I was before sunrise next morning getting 2 1/2 tons of blue stone in place one wheelbarrow at a time, so I could do the blessing as told.

Now logic tells me that having yet to start construction on the project was weighing heavy on my subconscious and manifests itself as a dream, but my spiritual side tells me that my subconscious is not without divine influence. In other words, one reacts to the other in my way of thinking.
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I can't tell you how much dreams have helped me.

I think the early stage of dreaming is to go over the karma of recent times and the day just gone, the second deeper dreaming is to gradually deal with older karma, and the last stage is to help prepare for the day and times ahead.

It's all symbolic but the subconscious understands it. Sometimes I have a dream I can't remember, but still the dream has done its work; it has penetrated my subconscious.

But again, like everything, the spiritual guidance has to be invited. I have to be open to it. Imo
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Thanks for sharing!

I've been keeping dream journals for decades. Sometimes I read old entries, sometimes patterns become obvious.

Often there just the daily processing, reflected in dreams.

I like Jungian style dream analysis, it has been helpful to acknowledge parts of me that are not involved so much in my everyday discursive mind.

For example, there was a dream where I met a wise teacher in a medieval tower full of unicorns. Or one where a shape-shifting alien tried to buy my house. This kind of archetypal stuff.

Then there is a class of dreams that are very "trippy", with radically altered perception. For example, my visual field might fill up with a grid or honeycomb pattern full of wiggling symbols or letters. Often they mark a change in the spiritual weather, so to speak.

Dreams play a big role in my spiritual practice.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said: “True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.”

(Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)
there was a dream where I met a wise teacher in a medieval tower full of unicorns
Do not automatically discard as 'unicorns' the spiritual wisdom of pre-Facebook times?
Or one where a shape-shifting alien tried to buy my house.
Better not trust that person's word when it comes to the big issue? You know who that person is.

There's a sort of dream I think of as 'cleansing karma'. I suffer it in a dream. I don't have to go out and get punched in the face, that my karma deserves. It's done in a dream. It's dealt with?
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Yeah, dealt with if acknowledged. Not quite automatically. Speaking for myself.
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Yeah, dealt with if acknowledged. Not quite automatically. Speaking for myself.
I wonder about that. I think perhaps some dreams operate at a subconscious level that doesn't need conscious affirmation or understanding to be effective? Even if I can't remember a dream, it has done its work within, at deep levels?
I wonder about that. I think perhaps some dreams operate at a subconscious level that doesn't need conscious affirmation or understanding to be effective? Even if I can't remember a dream, it has done its work within, at deep levels?
Definitely, and there's more, I think: Dreams I remember can carry a kind of message, "We're working on this in here, how about you out there do your part to make it all happen together?!"
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Most often, dreams are simply a composite of thoughts and feelings, and don't mean much. Recurring dreams are another matter, likely a subconscious expression of anxiety concerning some particular issue.

Then there are dreams from God. Certainly very rare, but they do happen. Some may have had dreams from God but haven't yet recognized them as such. These dreams aren't usually understood initially, and are almost always metaphorical. The meanings are generally revealed at some later point in time, to serve as confirmations of spiritual principles and paths.

There is another category: dreams from devils. These aren't necessarily nightmares, though they can be. My guess is most of the time they're intended to deceive those who have given themselves over to some kind of wickedness:

"The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-13)

Only by the grace of God can one know the difference.
I once had this dream I was stranded on a island with an uncle, my uncle is a big man with bulked arms. So we both stranded in this island and starving for food.
Nothing but sand and trees around except a boar had appeared out of nowhere!(what are the chances of that) and me keeping mind in myself in there I knew I was dreaming..so anyway! I saw it and thought this will be a good chance to impress my uncle..I remembered in planning of how my kill would be BEST in the quickest and cleanest before uncle noticed any of it. With then finding my BEST idea of how..I quickly rushed in drawing boars attention towards me, (my intention was to achieve my BEST plan and not having my uncle noticing).
So than boar charges at me, there Im standing getting ready for it..with a knife on my hand(not sure where knife had come from)..boar got closer..and closer..than! Bang!!
My uncle jumps in front of me and knocks out boar with his big arm punching boar on top head.
My reaction to that! Was unexpected and I was fuming because I knew that I was dreaming all of this happening..so I kind of expected dream to follow through in what I had planned. Not only Unexpectedly! My uncle bet me to the boar, bet me in the quickest kill and the cleanest kill, and turned out my dream of being the best gave my uncle the title..I was f&$kn pissed at my dream that I remembering looking up with curiosity to the sky and yelled out!..”why did you make my uncle the best answer in this dream, it’s my dream not his”..(lol)
And s&@t you not! A voice came from out the skies and said..

“Your brain knows more than you, when you come to understand it..it will tell you, other than that..it has already told you”.

I listened because I wanted to know why, and when I heard that.. I instantly woke up to record it on paper...I kept repeating the words over and over..but whilst in waking up my mind is now aware of waking..it felt like somethings switched on to auto because I didn’t do anything but remembering words..thoughts rushing in ‘what day is it? What time is it? Do I have work today? Etc..while those thoughts rushed in I was having difficulties in remembering what was repeated..but at the end of that day I remembered and got each word recorded on paper.

Sorry for long mail.lol
I believe dreams can teach us a lot about ourselves both religiously and spiritually, if people were able to better understand how they are put together and what is creating them. I have spent the past five years trying hard to understand and teach minds thoughts about thoughts to figure them out and to teach them about time and how time becomes us again. In life we are constantly loosing time, this time is neither destroyed or lost, it has only changed states of being. Minds exist on other timelines that project thoughts into our minds this is normally called frontal thought genesis and is how our thoughts take form into dreams. The problem and the reason dreams seem so hard to understand is that it is a moving picture of thousands of thoughts with all parts of it trying to teach you something. I think, but I am still unsure if we slightly move out of ourselves during sleep just between here and the next timeline making it easier for minds to find our thoughts. The easiest way to experience this or to understand that they are always around you is to just imagine moving your hand forward to shake their hand. the thought of the gesture should promote an equal response from the mind trying to figure you out.

Dreams are generally depend on our thoughts and daily activities. It’s may be play a role in our spiritual or religious life.
During my recovery I often had problems sleeping. When I was awake I would often pick up my cell phone and read, scroll through posts. It would help me fall back to sleep. Sometimes I'd be doing this holding my phone and scrolling and then wake up! Only to realize I wasn't awake, wasn't scrolling, wasn't looking at my phone. That was actually dreaming that I was not able to sleep and doing so, that was just freaking weird. And happened often