In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.



Hard to argue against the Eternal. How can something (what there is now) come from nothing - if the Eternal God has eternally existed? The Holy Bible accounts for God, the Creator - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And yet the Devil's kingdom lies about creation, as if all came from nothing. Oh, please...
Lol, before I get to your post I'd like to welcome you to the discussion board. As this is your third thread I'd like to point out a couple things it appears you may have missed. This is a discussion board, not a pontification board, you should take some time to respond to other posts, including your own, that is how we participate. We are an online interfaith community, it appears you found the right corral (Christianity) but you can expect a variety of responses. I haven't seen your introduction post, you should go ahead and do that, meet some folks,.tell us about yourself and check out our code of conduct.
Hard to argue against the Eternal. How can something (what there is now) come from nothing - if the Eternal God has eternally existed? The Holy Bible accounts for God, the Creator - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And yet the Devil's kingdom lies about creation, as if all came from nothing. Oh, please...
Hard to argue? Oh, please... Actually it happens all the time. And those that do insist you not use a book to prove the book you use is accurate.
Hard to argue against the Eternal. How can something (what there is now) come from nothing - if the Eternal God has eternally existed? The Holy Bible accounts for God, the Creator - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And yet the Devil's kingdom lies about creation, as if all came from nothing. Oh, please...

Well, I couldn't help but notice "the heavens and the earth" in your title. Genesis 2.4 says God made the earth and the heavens. Is the order of any significance? Some say it is (e.g., Philo, school of Shammai, school of Hillel). I am not sure myself.
I knew there would be no argument. God created the heavens and the earth, just as written in the Holy Bible.

Holy Bible - Genesis 1:1 (ESV)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Need to take a serious look at our "Code of Conduct" son.

Pay particular attention to rule #2: We do not allow CR to be used as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith, or see any faith aggressively attacked.