Transgendering Children

Misleading presentation; for intersex persons are very, very, very rare, compared to the 99.9% of humans who are born either XX or XY.

Since this person did not opt for drugs or surgery, she seems content with her body as is - which is what the deluded trans fans do not accept.
Here is a mature transgender woman who became content (like most women) with her female body. She says she just wanted to look like and act like a boy, not to suffer decades of drugs plus surgery to change her body form.

Good explanation of key points against children being put thru the medical nonsense. (only 7 minutes or so)

However like anything it isn't hard to find anyone to agree or disagree on any topic.

Either of us can post a.dozen videos pro and con climate.change, trump,.pelosi, checkers...any topic,.including this one.
So by your math, 600,000 people....where do you get the data to support that?

Just from memory, but you can find numbers for intersex folk, they are a minuscule group.

As for swapping videos - you gave no argument for or against, so I just video too.

That Transgender Trends site, plus 4th Wave & Walt Heyer's can supply many arguments against experimenting on children.
In the past We pretty much have experimented on every child that displayed confusing gender,.either surgically made them male or female depending on what was easiest to make normal. My mother was a surgical pediatric nurse in the 50s and 60s. Working on the genitals of "deformed" children was more common than anyone wanted to talk about.
In the past We pretty much have experimented on every child that displayed confusing gender,.either surgically made them male or female depending on what was easiest to make normal. My mother was a surgical pediatric nurse in the 50s and 60s. Working on the genitals of "deformed" children was more common than anyone wanted to talk about.

Which has zero to do with the recent phenomena of trying to trans gender boy bodies > girl bodies & vice versa.

Did you read the link in the OP?